Official Artist
DJ Mojito
DJ , Music Producer , Rapper
82,585 views| 162  Posts

That perfect moment when everybody has their hands in the air, minds and voices singing out loud, souls lost into the beat which keeps them off their feet, you know it's going to a dope night for sure! Follow ??@straightouttahomekong for updates coming reaaal soon! . . .

crowdcontrol #back2back #packedaf #makesomenoise #handsup #SOHK #StraightOuttaHomeKong #RXBeatbox #Heartgrey #AnthonyAsisFilms #hongkong #LKF #central #FLYHK #FlyHongKong #DJSethGutierrez #DJAnilAhuja #SCFSAiNT #DJMOJITO852

almost 8 years ago 117 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Hong Kong 852 born and based artist. Open Format: Hip-Hop, Twerk, Trap, House, Electronic, BDM. Music Curator at Runway LKF. Email for bookings at booking@djmojito.net.

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Languages Spoken
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 7, 2010