Official Artist
Brandon Sugiyama
DJ , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Graphic Designer
189,336 views| 120  Posts

what i write about myself

when i get home from work at 10pm and i'm completely drained...this is what i wrote for my competitor bio for Cut & Paste:


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
they'll probably say "wow, he did pretty good for a guy who wanted to be a garbage man..."
almost 16 years ago
Djbam f8 djbam
i feel kinda like how i felt competing at Worlds. 1) i know i'm not going to win. 2) just do my best. 3) try not to come in last.
almost 16 years ago


This is Brandon / Bam, a motion graphic designer / DJ now based in Brooklyn via San Francisco. Check out my portfolio at: www.invibe.com

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Location (City, Country)
New York City, United States
Member Since
July 29, 2007