Thanks to all the suggestions regarding tips for learning some conversational cantonese!
So far, I've been listening to the RTHK "Naked Cantonese" Podcast. I think it's the best I've heard, though I feel like there's a bit too much english and not enough cantonese being spoken. But it's entertaining!
I went to the bookstore yesterday and was unable to find a book that I thought would be useful. So I checked Amazon and this book seems to have gotten good reviews, but I'm confused by the Romanization.
Basically, I just want a phrase book.
(I wish they madeMaking out in Chinesefor Cantonese. As cheesy as that book is, it helped me immensely in learning conversational Mandarin.)As of now, I have absolutely no plans for what to do during my trip to HK. I'm pretty fond of walking around on my own and exploring via bus/train. And I like to eat. If possible, I'd like to check out some museums and get a look at contemporary HK/Chinese/Asian art. I'd also be interested in hearing what the underground dance music scene is like.
This is Brandon / Bam, a motion graphic designer / DJ now based in Brooklyn via San Francisco. Check out my portfolio at: