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Digger T Mesch
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FISTFUL OF BLOOD-HEAVY METAL original graphic novel

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 38370
Here are some of the original pages from FOB ( FISTFUL OF BLOOD) as they appeared in Heavy Metal magazine and then complied for the hard cover graphic novel in 2001. The live action film we're doing is inspired by the characters created by Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley but the storyline has changed quite a bit. The original storyline was set in the present day in an old movie ranch where a mysterious female wanders into a smack down between vampires and zombies hunting for an alien criminal . Loads of fun- Eastman style with the brilliant hands of Simon Bisley at the wheel but for the film we've collectively shifted over to a darker period piece. Less fantasy- more straight up horror/action set in the bad lands of the American West. The time/technology/design sensibilities will be 1868. The lead "Blondie" will be half American Indian bounty hunter looking to take in a bad ass gang of Banditos . All hells breaks loose when they all realize they are food for the town's new residents. Vampires that love to play with their food.
almost 16 years ago


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