Chapter One kicks off on October 11 with Wing Shya, Dan the Automator and 24Herbs
HONG KONG, October 11, 2007: Diesel is proud to launch Issue Four of its seasonal ’zine, “BRAVE,” as a three-part experiential art / music / fashion platform.
Aptly titled “Alive” — where the ’zine has now evolved into a real live, physical experience — the three chapters of “BRAVE 4” will feature incredibly special art-exhibition and music-showcase events each month in October, November and December 2007.
As a long-time supporter of art and music around the world, Diesel is honoured to also work with AliveNotDead.com for “BRAVE 4” to celebrate emerging musical talent in Asia. Throughout the next 3 months, a series of AliveNotDead.com music showcase events will be held as part of "BRAVE 4.” Chapter One will be launched on October 11, with three guest collaborators:
1) WING SHYA: “溫沙 – THE ARCHIVES UNLOCKED” exhibition, curated by Sean Kunjambu and Danny Chau, features never-exposed works taken over the past decade by Hong Kong’s most celebrated photographer. To commemorate Diesel’s “BRAVE 4,” the exhibition includes special portraits of indie bands and musicians who are part of the AliveNotDead.com artist community. As part of the exhibition, also look out for the interactive room featuring music videos by these featured artists and musicians. And lastly, renowned Hong Kong toy designer/artist Michael Lau pays tribute to his long-time photographer friend with special hand-drawn illustrations fused into Wing’s collection;
http://www.shyalala.com 2) DAN THE AUTOMATOR: DJ/Musician/Producer Dan “The Automator” Nakamura makes his first-ever appearance in Hong Kong for the AliveNotDead.com “RESPECT” party which will be held immediately after Wing Shya's exhibition opening. Superbly eclectic and old-school-cool in musical style and direction — and possibly California’s most underrated producer — Dan The Automator will perform a private live-music showcase featuring vocalist Gavin Hayes of Dredg and rapper AG of DITC;
http://www.myspace.com/dantheautomator 3) 24HERBS: Hong Kong’s newest and illest rap collective will also perform at the party. 24Herbs consists of DJ Dor Yuk (aka Producer Eddie Chung), MC Drunk (Conroy Chan), MC Sir Eats-a-Lot (Brian Siswojo), DJ/MC Ghost Style (Brandon Ho), and MCs Kit and Phat, both of ex-LMF fame. Armed with hardcore Canto-rap lines and an underground music vibe, the group mixes local humour with street culture to add fresh vibes to a stale pop-music scene.
http://www.alivenotdead.com/?herbs http://www.myspace.com/24herbs
Inspired by three words, “Only The Brave” — the Diesel corporate identity — “BRAVE” is a seasonal ’zine that’s different in attitude, content and creativity. Previous issues have seen the Guest Art Director seat rotate from AllRightsReserved (SK Lam) to Shya-La-La (Wing Shya). And Guest Collaborators have included artist Anton Lopez, photographers Ann Woo, Dan Pak, Jordon Scott and Wing Shya, as well as stylists Chinatown, Sean Kunjambu and Sunshine. Always in fine, sweet tune with the Diesel mantra, “For Successful Living,” we are very excited to come “ALIVE” for “BRAVE 4.”
Exhibition will be open to the public, with free entry, from October 12-28, 2007 in Hong Kong (location will be released October 12). (11AM to 8PM daily, closed on Mondays)
DIESEL發佈BRAVE 雜誌第4期 2007年秋冬:生活誌
第一章於10月11日正式展開 呈獻Wing Shya, Dan the Automator及24 Herbs
關於 夏永康(Wing Shya) :
作為一個在時尚, 電影和藝術領域都頗有建樹的香港攝影師, Wing Shya從加拿大的愛米莉卡藝術設計學院畢業後以平面設計作為事業的起點, 於美國的Pentagram設計公司工作。回到香港後, 夏永康成立了獲奬無數的 Shya-lala Workshop。
Wing Shya也是王家衛電影的御用攝影師和平面設計師。此外, 還為如i-D, Dazed and Confused, Tank, Time Magazine等雜誌拍攝照片, 亞洲眾多明星如周潤發, 梁朝偉, 章子怡及舒淇等都在他的鏡頭下留倩影。
從90年代開始, Wing Shya就對設計界產生了很大的影響, 他在工作室裏不僅把攝影和設計,音樂和藝術結合起來, 也將東方和西方, 技術和社會融合在一起。去年, Wing Shya在東京的森藝術中心舉辦了他的個人展。
http://www.shyalala.com 關於 AliveNotDead.com:
http://www.alivenotdead.com 關於 廿四味 (24Herbs):
這六位既靦腆又態度傲慢的音樂人將他們的獨特形象帶到他們的組合當中,MC Drunk(陳子聰,演員及ALIVE樂隊成員)將他的自由和對生活的睇法帶到樂隊,DJ Dor Yuk(Eddie Chung,香港的知名監製)將不同的音樂融合在一起。MC Sir-Eats-a-Lot (Brian Siswojo, 品牌Know1edge及8five2 shop的創辦人)是最懂得攪氣氛及有一把令人難忘的響亮聲線。DJ/MC Ghost Style (Brandon Ho獨立音樂人/監製)將他的英文饒舌技巧及特別型格節奏帶到樂隊,而MCs傑和阿肥(前激進樂隊LMF成員)就維持著他們的激進態度和街頭風格。
http://www.alivenotdead.com/?herbs http://www.myspace.com/24herbs
Dan “The Automator” Nakamura是九十年代尾及二千年頭的著名美國嘻哈及饒舌監製,他的音樂以兼收並蓄而聞名。
Nakamura的作品融合了七八十年代的文學經典及次級的九十年代電視節目元素,他更喜歡大玩古典音樂和科幻電影的音樂,亦帶些Parliament、the RZA及Jedi Mind Tricks的嘻哈音樂影子。
Nakamura於加洲三藩市出生,小時候學習小提琴及古典音樂,年青時的Nakamura迷上了早期的電子和嘻哈音樂,後來更當上DJ。但他最終發現自己喜歡的始終是音樂監製的工作,並不斷作小型的公開演出,直到遇上Kool Keith,便成為他的轉捩點。
Nakamura的監製代表作包括Kool Keith’s的《Dr. Octagon project》,trip hop/lo-fi 集作Gorillaz。始外,Nakamura於地下音樂圈仍非常活躍,參與的作品包括:Prince Paul的Handsome Boy Modeling School、Del tha Funkee Homosapien 和Kid Koala的Deltron 3030、Daryl Palumbo的Head Automatica、Josh Haden 、Mike Patton和Jennifer Charles的Lovage等。
他的音樂還伸延到幾張流行的搖滾大碟上,包括英國組合Cornershop的“When I Was Born For The 7th Time”、Blues Explosion大碟 “ACME” and “Damage”、 Primal Scream“XTRMNTR”和Little Barrie的 “Stand Your Ground”。
Be Stupid.