It has been quite awhile since I've sat through and actually listened to an entire speech, but after just watching Barack Obama deliver his victory speech and becoming the 44th President-Elect of the United States, not only did I listen to every word but I can say that I was genuinely moved.
It was eloquently written, touching on the nation's state of affairs and the direction the new government would be heading. It was humble, pushing focus away from the Obama himself and re-directing it back to the people. It was concise, talking about what really mattered most without the fat. But best of all, it was inspirational, telling the nation that even though the country was probably in its darkest days, there was hope. There was a chance to turn it around and climb back into the light.
Only the best speeches can leave you with that warm fuzzy feeling.
It has been TOO long since someone with enough presence, charisma and conviction has spoken in front of the American people.
One could argue that its because of Bush's abysmal inability to talk english all these years, that we would be blown away by ANYONE who could say a simple sentence properly.
True, but it also makes you really appreciate what a difference it is to listen to someone who KNOWS how to make a speech. Every syllable has such weight, leaving a slight echo with anticipation of the next word coming. You are enthralled and you want the meaning of the words to wash over you like water on an elegant beach.
I am glad to be able to experience this historic moment and I look forward to the future of America and the world with bated hopeful breath.