So the wrap party for the " I SHOT HONG KONG" Film Festival was on Friday night and was again held at the swanky W Hotel.It was also on this night that they would be announcing the award winners for Best Documentary, Best Music Video, Best Short Film and the Audience Choice Awards.And it just so happens....WE WON!It was such a great feeling to have our name announced and then to have the crowd cheer in support. It really felt like all our hard work had paid off!In addition to the swanky Trophy, we were also given:A full LEGIT copy of FINAL CUT STUDIO 2 ($10,070 HKD)Studio time at a Post Production company in Cyberport ($10,000 HKD worth)Afterwards, we were asked to PERFORM LIVE!Now this was quite nerve wracking for me since I AM NOT A PERFORMER... at all.I'm ALWAYS behind the camera. NEVER IN FRONT.So this was definitely a new experience for me and although I was excited, I was equally as nervous.Luckily, we had the lovely
Shairah to help sing the hook since
Junny was not available.
Video: I stumbled on a few words, it was actually a very fun experience! Once I got up there and then the music played and then Simon started going at it, I just simply slipped into the right mode.The main issue was the the sound system of the lounge was not equipped to handle a concert of any kind and therefore had a muffled audio signal as well as my microphone cutting in and out, making it VERY hard to hear myself or what I was saying.Aside from that, I think I would be up to try it again in a better technical environment.
It was a great honor and privilege to be a part of this festival and have so much support from our friends and family. This experience had given me a lot of "firsts":First SONGFirst MUSIC VIDEOFirst AWARD WINFirst LIVE PERFORMANCEand several more!Overall, July has already started on a great note! Next up... COMICON