This space has been empty for a while for a reason... I'm working on several things right now and figured I'd give myself a journey of experiences as opposed to focusing so much on 'entertainment work'. I love what I do for a living and cherish every single moment but I'm searching for the meaning...I apologize if i have neglected updates and posts, as well as all the lovely mail I receive on a daily basis. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.I also want to thank Delcinea, my assistant who has been working long hours to make my journey easier.Here is a small visual montage of the last month or so: VietnamMalaysia (Mtv Worldstage; Kasabian as headliners)-Thank you to all my Malaysian fans-you have so much heart and passion; I miss you all wholeheartedly! I cant wait to come back to my 'second home'. Love you all! xxxxBackstageJumpa Lagi!xdkPS. Ich bin jetzt gerade in Berlin, die tollste Stadt in Deutschland! Ich habe Deutschland sooo vermisst. Follow us