The struggle is real : my left wing has always been 'a little' wonky you could say - a little like Nemo's special fin. You know, the saying: 'You're always stronger on one side (vs the other)'. I know I'm terribly weak on my left; I don't even know how I've managed this far with such lopsidedness. All I know is that if I give up now, I will never know what more I have. I can either feed the fear of pain or I can feed the growth of awareness. Not knowing is worse than being ignorant to something that might be holding you back... Mentally, spiritually, physically. Don't ignore. You know what's holding you back. Acknowledge and let it go. #nopainnogain #allinthemind #balance #mantra #justsaying #word #yoga #yoglife #yogi #practice #awareness #yogamedicine #ym500 #denisekeller #sunday