Official Artist
Dee Poon
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100% Design: Day One

10:30am: Make it to the fair bright and early. Walk through the bamboo structure, designed by Tobias Wong and Aric Chen, the creative directors of the fair. I completely miss the fact that it is an installation until it is explained in detail during the Press Briefing. Bamboo being a ubiquitous symbol of the development of modern China, Tobias and Aric choose to create an empty space into which future objects by Chinese designers. Cute idea, but difficult execution –how are we supposed to tell the difference between this and an actual construction interior? Would be much cooler if the fair was anywhere else… Here, it’s too literal.

11:30am: Richard Hutten very publicly thanks Christofle for WRITING HIS SPEECH, which he will “deliver, word for word.” I love him. He is hilarious.

12:15pm: Outside at the signboard. Have decided to make the signboard a tribute to Andrew Yang, the fair consultant. Aric Chen plays along, but Tobias plays it a bit straighter…

1:45pm: Find Hans Lensvelt of Moooi at the bar buying a beer… He has the best wallet EVER.  It's made of old luggage tags- now clocking in at 6 laters of them... Unfortunately I can’t say the same about his phone… I send him and Richard to the signboard to write nasty things about Andrew…

3:00pm: Am in LOVE with this chair by DROOG in the Design Republic booth… I should make one, but that is exactly the point right? I shouldn’t copy their ideas?!! But what if I don’t sell it and just put it in my house? Is that ok??

8:00pm:  Make it to the opening party.  There is a random installation hiding in the corner--student works...  Am gifted an "O-PEN" by the designer himself... Dinner with Joanne and co... I love Patrice.

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