I am grateful that come along with Hong Kong team #CinematicTheatre to the South Australia Adelaide , they are performing the drama《#TheFeast》on patch theatre , today is the last day with shows at 17.30 and 20.00, please come and support with all of us ~ LOVE ? #AdelaideFringe 從香港遠道而來的劇團#影話戲,在#澳洲 阿德萊德劇院上映《#盛宴》,吸引當地外國人和亞洲人來支持,今天最後兩場在17.30 and 20.00 at patch theatre venue ~ 在南澳的您也來欣賞吧!
開心與#台前幕後 人員一起享用盛宴???