Official Artist
Dawen Wang
Composer , Music Producer , Singer
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China Tour: Hefei 內地巡迴:合肥

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今晚就要飛回內地。接下來我要參加Music Radio 2014 冰力玩家痛快High歌校園行巡迴。第一場表演在合肥。我對內地超不熟但我相信這次去就會有概念了。之後還有瀋陽,蘭州,南昌等。一定會超好玩。雖然最近跑好多地方有點累我還是很期待這些表演的機會,都可以看到世界。

Evening flight to the mainland, this time I’m going to Hefei. It’s stop 1 on a China Tour as I’ll be a part of the Music Radio 2013 School Tour. Other cities include Shenyang, Lanzhou, Nanchang, etc. This will be a good way to broaden my geographical knowledge of China. Right now, I have no idea where any of those cities are.

It’s been a bit tiring with so many shows lately, but honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I get to perform multiple times a week and see the world. Can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing. See you in Hefei!

almost 11 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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