Well, It has been a long time since my last entry. I have been busy and made a lot of thinking.Let's take the clock back a year shall we ?I remember I was struggleing with myself, divided between reason and passion. Reason would have been to stay where I was, working to make sure I could provide food to my daughter and wife and passion would have been to drop everything and go for what I always wanted to do: Acting.Now we are A year and a falf later. Reiki the Movie is finally completed and will screen during the Cannes film Festival 2009 and on top of that, Pedro and I will be live on TV for the show "50 degrés Nord" where the trailer will be on air.I don't know what to think about all this except that it's a dream becoming reality. And this has become possible thanks to many people.Here is an occasion for me to thank them all in general. All the people involved in Reiki but I also would like to give a few special and personal thanks to some others.Thank you Reni for all the work you did on the comic book. You are a wonderful and passionate artist I give you that.Thank you Martin for all your patience and knowledge. When we first met, I was just a rookie and you were alreay an accomplished actor. You shared your experience in acting with me all along the shooting and even after. Thank you Pedro for believing in me when I wasn't believing in myself. You have been the person who triggered the biggest changes in my life and put me pack on the path I lost sight of many years ago.All the efforts are now paying. We had nothing but our heart to invest and we made it till the end...Thank you !See you on the set for new adventures !
Feel ! Don't think !