Hey everyone!!! I've had a hectic past few weeks here but am getting some progress on a major project I will be doing this year. I spent about 6 hours on one of my off days just looking at and trying out various cameras but it's nice to be getting somewhere with it. One of my friends sent me this link to a preview for next week's Chicago Code that FOX posted already. Honestly I did not expect them to show off this scene but hopefully it will draw in more people and better ratings this week.
When we filmed episode 6, we had 2 fights at the front desk of the police station. This was one of them.
Now this is episode 9 which deals with a massacre of 6 people in a restaurant. We had so much fun filming that scene. I was guarding the prisoner door so I couldn't jump in the fight but you can catch me in the background with some of the other coppers reacting to the stuff being said.