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Patrick Cote stood toe to toe with Anderson Silva... and tragedy struck...

UFC 90 just past... the main event was Anderson Silva vs Patrick Cote...

Anderson Silva is by far the best pound for pound fighter in MMA today and no one in the UFC has been able to stand and trade with him for the last 7 fights... He beat Rich Franklin twice, Dan Henderson, Chris Leban, Nate Marquart, Travis Lutter... the guy even put on weight going up to Light Heavyweight to fight James Irvin, and KO's the guy in under a minute...

Now comes Patrick Cote... challenging him for his middle weight belt, and stood toe to toe with him, trading punches with the "Spider" for 2 rounds, going further than anyone who has faced Silva...

He took half a dozen solid punches and knees from Anderson Silva and was unphased by all of them... then comes the third round... as you can see on the video, he starts the round waving 3 fingers in the air, telling the crowd that he has survived 2 rounds with Silva... If the fight went to a decision, Cote might have been able to get a decision win since Silva was ducking him most of round 1 and parts of round 2... What happened was tragic to say the least... for those of you who heard the bad news... this is what happened...

Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd4Kn9r0eOE

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh man, how anti-climatic!
over 16 years ago


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