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Daniel Chan
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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Getting old and out of shape... time to lose some weight...

So....  I just turned 28 recently and I hate to say it, I do feel old. Worrying about ones career can give you white hairs overnight, and for the past few years, it's all I have been worrying about, needless to say, I woke up one day not long ago and found a patch of white hairs in the top of my head... you see... when you focus your energies on something that involves your brain a lot, you sometimes forget to take care of your body...

I admire professional athletes of all kinds because they are constantly in the best shape of their lives, they need to be, or else, their career could pass them by... I am a huge fan of MMA and I have always wondered, could I ever become a fighter, back at UFC 1 in 1993, I really thought I could... then life got in the way...

I used to be an active person, I was on the basketball and tennis team in high school and have been an avid gym goer for the past decade... keeping yourself in tip top shape is hard and at 28, I am really struggling... Having been on the "filmmaker's diet" has wreck havoc on my body, I went from a lean mean 160 pounds to the now 200 pounds, I used to like walking places, now I hate the sight of a flight of stairs...

What is the filmmaker's diet you ask, well, there is a lot of late night Macdonalds runs, especially when they came out with the double decker quarter pounder... there is a lot of eating hotpot, that's where producers like to talk script ideas... I eat KFC by the bucket, so that helps...

from that very old picture you are looking at on the right, I look to be in okay shape, and that's why it's been my profile picture for so long... In my high school days, I had motivation to stay fit, the reason I was in shape was cos I used to get picked on an beat up a lot when I was in school, you need to be strong to fight off all the bullies... now that I am no longer in school, what's my motivation?

It's been about 12 months since my mom started calling me "FAT BOY"... that name has stuck and caught on to other family and friends and it hasn't been easy... My sister calls me "Puffy" and it has nothing to do with P.Diddy... To have a beer gut and not having had a beer since 1999 is JUST NOT FAIR, and seeing that winter is fast approaching, if I don't do anything about it now, I don't think I will do anything at all after this Christmas, thus begin my total body transformation.... 

So for the next 2 months, it will be tuna fish, chicken breasts, oats and protein shakes... no pasta, no KFC, no more burgers...  it's gonna be distilled water instead energy drinks... and oh that's right, along with a bunch of supplements I got as birthday presents... fat burners, stuff that helps boost your metabolism, Carbohydrate blockers and that stuff that makes you crazy strong so you can run like Forrest Gump...

So that's me in my 200 pounds and all its glory... I am hoping that this blog could continue and hopefully after christmas, I could fit into my old school uniform again... and who knows, if this catches on, I could take a career turn and become the 155 pound MMA Champion like my idol Mike Brown... or at least look more like him if not to be able to fight like him... but then again, this could be the last time you ever hear about my dieting plans... and the next time you see me at the Halloween party, I will be the guy who looks an aweful lot like John Goodman or Tom Arnold without a costume on...

This is Mike Brown the WEC 155 pound champ by the way...

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
You just gettin started! Writing does do a lot of damage to your body. Thank goodness you caught yourself slippin. Most peeps would have let themselves go. But honestly, HK's version of "fat" is extremely distorted.
over 15 years ago
Koolcampus 25 logo kteam medium
DANIEL, I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM AS YOU. Work stress, bad foods. Aging .... I am on verge of burnout due to tight deadlines of projects I am trying to finish/accomplish. I have to hit the gym again Have not been actively exercising for more than one year ... So we are in the same boat.
over 15 years ago


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