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Wu Yi Shan-Huckleberry Finn|武夷山 - 哈克貝利•弗恩歷險|武夷山 - 哈克贝利•弗恩历险|武夷山―ハックルベリー・フィン

After reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in fifth grade, I have always had this dream of going on a river raft adventure down the Mississippi River. Since moving to Asia I still kept the dream but wanted to do it down the Yangtze or the Yellow river. Wouldn't it be fun to build a raft out of bamboo and just cruise, letting the river take you down it's path to wherever it goes?

Well I haven't done this trip yet and quite frankly haven't thought about it for a long time but a few days ago I was in Wu Yi Shan, Fujian province to film a scene for this new film I've been working on and I was reminded of ol' Huck Finn.

Wu Yi Shan is famous for it's majestical mountains and dreamlike scenery. On the day of the shoot, we arrived at the bank of the "9 Corner River" where you could see row after row of bamboo rafts waiting to be set in the water to take tourists down through the rocky terrain. I was immediately reminded of Huck. The rafts were simply lashed together with wire and made entirely out of bamboo. Even the seats were made of bamboo. They didn't look that sturdy but once they were set in the water I realized it wasn't going to be a problem.

Our boatmen skillfully manuevered us to the locations we needed to get to and we spent the morning shooting and enjoying the awesome views. I think the footage we shot is gonna look really cool.

After taking this short raft ride, I'm convinced that my dream of a river adventure is possible. I'm not really sure if it'll be down the Yangtze or the Yellow River. I think all the industrial waste and the huge shipping boats may make it a bit life threatening but I'm sure I will be able to find a nice river somewhere that will allow me to cruise for a couple of weeks. Hopefully I will get to do this sometime...keep the dream alive! |

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5年生の時に「ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険」を読んで以来、僕はミシシッピ川をいかだで下る冒険をしたくってたまらないんだ。アジアに引っ越してからも ずーっとやりたかったんだけど、長江か黄河を下りたかったんだ。下るためだけで竹で筏を組んでさ、流れるままに任せて下るのって面白そうでしょ?


武夷山は壮麗な山で、夢みたいな風景で有名だよね。撮影の日に、僕は「九曲溪」の岸に行ったんだけど、そこでは観光客をのせて渓流を下るための竹の筏が何 列も連なってるんだ。すぐさまハックを思い出したよ。筏は単純にワイヤーでつながれただけなんだけど、竹だけでできてるんだ。シートだって竹なんだよ。そ んなに頑丈にできてるように思えないでしょ。でもいったん水の中にはいると問題は全然なかったんだよ。


このいかだ乗りのシーンを撮影した後で、僕の川の冒険の夢がかなうと思ったんだ。長江や黄河を下ろうとは思わないんだよ。僕は産業的な無駄で大きな運送用 の船が生命を脅かすように思えるよ。でも、いつかどこかの川で2、3週間くらいクルーズできるんじゃないかな。いつかできますように…夢を信じ続けよう!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  113 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice. i did that a few years ago, it really sucks in the winter. :-P
16 年多 ago
Chou 4f chou
一定可以的~~~梦想是条希望之路 dream is a wishful way 哈哈
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005