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Daniel Wu
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Warning: I am NOT on MY SPACE!!! | 警告:我沒有在MY SPACE!!!|警告:我没有在MY SPACE!!!

Hey Guys,

Happy Chinese New Year. Long time no write. Been having a a good time off, been back home to the Bay Area, Lake Tahoe and South Africa. I'll talk about my travels in my next blog. Today I just wanted to say OFFICIALLY that the MYSPACE page some of you have seen IS NOT from me. If you look at it carefully and read the writing you can probabaly tell it's an imposter. From the writing style, it looks like it's done by a very bored ABC female teenager. However, it seems all the people that signed up to be friends obviously don't realize. I don't even know how to upload pictures to this site much less create my own MySpace page with video and all that. So don't be fooled! I've complained to MySpace and they've ignored me. Maybe you guys can help me out and send in some more complaints so that it gets taken off. Spread the word!






眾老友,中國新年快樂!好久沒寫了,剛好好休息了一下,回了我在灣區的老家、太浩湖和南非。我會在下一次Blog裏跟你們講我這旅 程。今天,我只要正式地跟你們說:在MYSPACE裏,你們看到的都不是我寫的。如果你仔細點看,也許你會發現在風格上不難看出它像出自一個沉悶的十來歲 ABC女孩之手。肯定那些登入的網友都沒發現。我真搞不懂他們是怎麼上載的圖片和怎麼用錄像創造出我個人的MYSPACE網頁來的。所以別受騙。我已向 MYSPACE投訴了,可是他們沒受理。也許你們能幫我找出制止的方法和向它們提出抗議!把消息傳開吧!    

almost 18 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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