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Triple Wu | 三吳 |三吳

Last week I had dinner with my "big brother" Wu Jing and our coach Wu Bin. When I trained wushu with the Beijing Wushu Team back in '94 Wu Jing took care of me and Wu Bin just kicked our asses! I was known as Xiao(little) Wu, Wu Jing was Da(big) Wu and Wu Bin was Lao(old) Wu. If you don't know, Wu Bin has also taught Jet Li as well as countless other "greats" as well as responsible for spreading wushu all over the globe.  It was also good to see that at 71, he is still looking great. I was also happy to see my big brother and talk about old times.

| 上周我和"大哥"吳京及我們的教練吳斌一起吃晚飯。94年我還在北京武術隊學武時,吳京照顧我,吳斌管教很嚴!那時他們叫我"小吳",吳京是"大吳",吳斌則是"老吳"。不知你是否聽說過他,吳斌還是李連傑和無數"大腕"們的教練,他把武術傳播到了世界各地。看到71歲還神采熠熠的教練我很欣慰,也很開心跟大哥碰面聊聊舊日時光。

| 上周我和”大哥”吴京及我们的教练吴斌一起吃晚饭。94年我还在北京武术队学武时,吴京照顾我,吴斌管教很严!那时他们叫我”小吴”,吴京是”大吴”,吴斌则是”老吴”。不知你是否听说过他,吴斌还是李连杰和无数”大腕”们的教练,他把武术传播到了世界各地。看到71岁还神采熠熠的教练我很欣慰,也很开心跟大哥碰面聊聊旧日时光。

16 年多 前 0 赞s  109 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow cool deal! i haven't seen Wu Bin in a few years!
16 年多 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Nice. Didn't know he was coming to town. Last saw him in April at the CMAT ... still spry as ever ...
16 年多 ago
Photo 22991
This is cool and cute :) the 3 Wus...
16 年多 ago
Sorry to destroy the giant ego image you have of me but no, I did not write my profile. I don't run this site. This page was set up for me and I just plugged myself in.
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005