Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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Tokyo!! | 東京!! |東京!!

Two days back in Hong Kong was just not enough time! Now I'm in Tokyo getting ready to start my next project. Should be pretty fun. I haven't had the opportunity to spend this much time in Tokyo for a long time. We'll be here for almost two months then move over to Kobe. Never been there before, maybe I'll get a chance to try some real Kobe beef!!!

回香港才呆了兩天時間! 現在我正在東京準備開始下一部電影,應該會很有趣。我還從未在東京停留如此之久,我們大約要在這裏拍兩個月,然後移師神戶。我沒去過神戶,可能有機會嘗到真正的神戶牛肉!!!

回香港才呆了兩天時間! 現在我正在東京準備開始下一部電影,應該會很有趣。我還從未在東京停留如此之久,我們大約要在這裏拍兩個月,然後移師神戶。我沒去過神戶,可能有機會嘗到真正的神戶牛肉!!!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  65 comments  0 shares
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oh snap, you're already there! enjoy it while you can... go down to Akihabara, enjoy some time at a Maid Cafe... I can give recommendations!
over 16 years ago


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
July 27, 2005
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