actually liked "Long Duk Dong" when I saw 16 Candles as a kid because
he sort of epitomized all the Chinese foreign exchange students that my
parents sponsored to come to America back in the 80's and 90's. I
didn't really hate him because I was never made fun of by being called
Donger. Maybe I went to really liberal schools. I did however come to
realize much later the impact a stereotyped character like "the Donger"
could have on an entire race and generation and to some degree is still
perpetuated today with John Cho's nerd in Harlod and Kumar and the
annoying geek(some say adorable) that Masa Oki plays in Heroes.
Somebody needs to change that.
Check out this study on NPR here.
Donger"的老套角色其實反映了整個種族的現狀,某種程度上直到今天仍然存在。象《尋堡奇遇》中John Cho的卑微形象,以及Masa Oki在《英雄》中扮演的討厭家夥(有人說可愛)。我們需要改變它。到NPR裏看 更多內容。
| 小时候看《十六支蜡烛》时我很喜欢"Long Duk Dong"这个人物,因为他是中国交换学生的缩影,我父母也是八、九十年代到的美国。我不恨他,因为从没有人叫过我Donger加以取笑,可能我读的学校比较文明。之后很久我才意识到类似"the Donger"的老套角色其实反映了整个种族的现状,某种程度上直到今天仍然存在。象《寻堡奇遇》中John Cho的卑微形象,以及Masa Oki在《英雄》中扮演的讨厌家伙(有人说可爱)。我们需要改变它。