Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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Thanks for your support!!! | 感謝你們的支持!|感谢你们的支持!!!

I have just come back to Hong Kong after an exhausting promotional tour for Overheard 2. We were in Beijing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Changsha and Chengdu in as many day. Thanks to all the people who showed up to the premieres, your support is greatly appreciated! Also many many thanks to all the people who rushed to the theaters to see the movie. We had a tremendous opening weekend and your support was part of that. For those who haven't seen it go see it soon!

On my flight back to Hong Kong however, I saw this out of the airplane window:

Look at all that brown crap in the water! This is not even worst of it because by the time I could take a picture we were already descending. The plane just happened to fly around all of Hong Kong before we landed and this crap was literally everywhere, especially heavy along the ship routes. I assume it's leaking oil? There were actually parts that were all brown with white foam floating all over the surface. This is not only disgusting but depressing that we've let our waters become this way. I think the HK government needs to monitor the ships coming in and out of the harbor more frequently. This compounded with the dirty air in in all of the cities I visited for our promotional tour made me feel really sad for our environment. Come on guys! We need to be more responsible!!! Do your part by being a responsible human being, don't litter and recycle and save energy as much as possible! When I have a child I will have to think seriously about moving somewhere cleaner.




看看水中那些棕色的污穢物!這還不是最糟的情形。因為我能拍照那會兒,飛機已經在下降了。在著陸前,飛機恰巧在整個香港上空盤旋而過,而像這樣的污染真可謂是到處都有,而船隻航線沿途尤為嚴重。我猜測這些是原油洩漏?實際上污染物有些部分是完全棕色的,其表面上又漂浮著白色泡沫。我們將我們的水體污染成這個樣子,不僅令人作嘔,也是令人沮喪的。我想香港政府必需對進出香港的船隻提高監管頻度。此情此景,加之宣傳活動中所到各座城市的污濁空氣,令我對我們的環境深感憂慮。拜託了,大家!對環境我們要更加擔當! ! !做一個對環境負責任的人類成員,盡我所能地減少廢棄物,盡我所能地回收利用資源,盡我所能地節約能源!等我有了孩子,我要認真地考慮得搬到哪個乾淨些的地方去了。.

我刚结束令人精疲力竭 的《窃听风云2》的巡回宣传活动,回到香港。此行各站包括北京、香港、广州、长沙和成都。谢谢所有亲临首映活动的朋友们,非常感激你们的支持!同样地,非 常感谢赶往影院观看此片的所有朋友们。我们拥有这样一个绝妙的开幕周末,而你们的支持就是其中一部分。还没看片的朋友们赶紧去看看吧!在返回香港的航班上,透过飞机窗户我却看到下面这一幕: 看看水中那些棕色的污秽物!这还不是最糟的情形。因为我 能拍照那会儿,飞机已经在下降了。在着陆前,飞机恰巧在整个香港上空盘旋而过,而象这样的污染真可谓是到处都有,而船只航线沿途尤为严重。我猜测这些是原 油泄漏?实际上污染物有些部分是完全棕色的,其表面上又漂浮着白色泡沫。我们将我们的水体污染成这个样子,不仅令人作呕,也是令人沮丧的。我想香港政府必 需对进出香港的船只提高监管频度。此情此景,加之宣传活动中所到各座城市的污浊空气,令我对我们的环境深感忧虑。拜托了,大家!对环境我们要更加担 当!!!做一个对环境负责任的人类成员,尽我所能地减少废弃物,尽我所能地回收利用资源,尽我所能地节约能源!等我有了孩子,我要认真地考虑得搬到哪个干 净些的地方去了。 | I have just come back to Hong Kong after an exhausting promotional tour for Overheard 2. We were in Beijing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Changsha and Chengdu in as many day. Thanks to all the people who showed up to the premieres, your support is greatly appreciated! Also many many thanks to all the people who rushed to the theaters to see the movie. We had a tremendous opening weekend and your support was part of that. For those who haven't seen it go see it soon!

On my flight back to Hong Kong however, I saw this out of the airplane window:

Look at all that brown crap in the water! This is not even worst of it because by the time I could take a picture we were already descending. The plane just happened to fly around all of Hong Kong before we landed and this crap was literally everywhere, especially heavy along the ship routes. I assume it's leaking oil? There were actually parts that were all brown with white foam floating all over the surface. This is not only disgusting but depressing that we've let our waters become this way. I think the HK government needs to monitor the ships coming in and out of the harbor more frequently. This compounded with the dirty air in in all of the cities I visited for our promotional tour made me feel really sad for our environment. Come on guys! We need to be more responsible!!! Do your part by being a responsible human being, don't litter and recycle and save energy as much as possible! When I have a child I will have to think seriously about moving somewhere cleaner.

over 12 years ago 0 likes  81 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
I think that may be 'red tide'... basically giant swarms of algae that bloom every summer... but some say they are becoming more and more prevelent due to global warming and lots of chemicals and bacteria in the water caused by waste water and run-off... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_tide
over 12 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh, turns out they do track this stuff - http://www.hkredtide.org/ actually reading that makes me depressed, and also thankful I don't eat seafood!
over 12 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-0930-red-tide-20110930,0,3610014.story
over 12 years ago


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
July 27, 2005
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