Did a photo shoot with the famous and infamous Terry Richardson on Monday. My new NY/SF pal/landlord, Dan The Automator is freinds with him so he came down to the shoot to help add to the atmosphere. It turned out to be an easy and fun shoot. I wish all photo shoots were this cool. Watch out for it on the September issue of City Magazine China.
Dan The Automator, Eagle Claw Terry, Daniel The Waiter.
The crutches and boot/cast were a major part of the shoot.
Happy 4th of July! | 星期一,著名的流氓攝影師Terry Richardson來給我拍照。我新認識的紐約和三藩的好友兼房東Dan The Automator是跟他一起來的朋友,他也加入拍攝活躍現場氣氛。整個拍照過程輕松而有趣,真希望每次拍照都能這麽酷。你在《號外》9月的專欄就能看到這次拍的照片。
Dan The Automator,鷹爪Terry,服務生Daniel拐杖和靴子大搶風頭
星期一,著名的流氓摄影师Terry Richardson来给我拍照。我新认识的纽约和三藩的好友兼房东Dan The Automator是跟他一起来的朋友,他也加入拍摄活跃现场气氛。整个拍照过程轻松而有趣,真希望每次拍照都能这么酷。你在《号外》9月的专栏就能看到这次拍的照片。
Dan The Automator,鹰爪Terry,服务生Daniel 拐杖和靴子大抢风头