One of my last truly happiest moments in my career was when my directorial debut premiered at the Hong Kong Film Festival. Last night was my next happiest. Jun Kung's Man On The Moon concert. I have known Jun for a long time, first as a friend and now as his manager (but really just a friend still) and I've always believed in him. He is such a talented musician who is widely respected within the music community here in Hong Kong but not too much by people outside. I always thought it was such a waste for him not to be known by the greater public just because he didn't like the business side of the music business. That's why as soon as my company Revolution Talent Management decided to help him my first goal was to put his album out as soon as possible. It took us almost two years to finally get this thing out and tonight's concert was the celebration of that goal. It was also Jun's first big solo concert in a long long while so it was good to see him exactly where I've always felt he belonged to a packed out Star Hall. I am really truly happy for what everyone has achieved and tonight's show rocked the house!!! This is the start of something good!
Here are some photos I took of the show: This was actually before the show. That's Sandy Lam in the middle with 24Herbs Kit and Phat rehearsing their version of "Paradise City"
It was close to a three hour show and Jun commanded the stage form begining to end . So those who went definitely got their money's worth. Here's Junny tweaking out his guitar.
Pure talent requires no silly dancing and no funny sparkly outfits.
Roy and Jun having a moment.That's Jun, guitar great Eugene Pao and the King himself, Jacky CheungI'm proud of you Jun! Congrats! | 曾幾何時,我職業生涯中最開心的時刻之一當屬自己的導演處女作在香港電影節的首次上映,不過接下來最快樂的時刻,就屬昨晚恭碩良月球人音樂會的舉行了。我認識碩良有很長時間了,起初是朋友,現在則是他的經紀人(不過仍然是好朋友啦),從始至終我都很信任他。作為一個音樂人來說,他真的很有才華,在香港音樂圈裏倍受推崇,可惜的是於外,他並不為大眾熟知。碩良不喜歡將自己的音樂商業化,所以造成了他並非很出名的結果,說實話是有些令人惋惜。這也就是為什麽我自己的公司(Revolution Talent Management)決定盡可能地幫助他,同時也是我的第一個目標,那就是向外推出屬於恭碩良自己的專輯。這張專輯的面世花了近兩年的時間,所以今晚的演唱會就當是為實現這一目標的慶祝了。同時也是碩良長久以來的第一場個人音樂會,所以,看到他站在我始終認為屬於他自己的人氣爆滿的匯星(Star Hall)舞臺上時,我是多麽的開心。同時我也為每個人取得的成就而興奮不已,今晚的演唱會震撼著大廳裏每個人的心靈!!!這真的是一個好的開始!
下面是我在現場拍攝到的照片: T這張拍攝於開場前,中間的是林憶蓮,她正和廿四味中的阿傑和阿肥排練歌曲“天堂之城”
屬於羅伊和碩良的一刻這就是恭碩良,吉他手包以正,以及真正的王者,張學友碩良,我以你為豪!恭喜你! |
不喜欢将自己的音乐商业化,所以造成了他并非很出名的结果,说实话是有些令人惋惜。这也就是为什么我自己的公司(Revolution Talent Management)决定尽可能地帮助他,同时也是我的第一个目标,那就是向外推出属于恭硕良自己的专辑。这张专辑的面世花了近两年的时间,所以今晚的演唱会就当是为实现这一目标的庆祝了。同时也是硕良长久以来的第一场个人音乐会,所以,看到他站在我始终认为属于他自己的人气爆满的汇星(Star Hall)舞台上时,我是多么的开心。同时我也为每个人取得的成就而兴奋不已,今晚的演唱会震撼着大厅里每个人的心灵!!!这真的是一个好的开始!
下面是我在现场拍摄到的照片: T这张拍摄于开场前,中间的是林忆莲,她正和廿四味中的阿杰和阿肥排练歌曲“天堂之城”
属于罗伊和硕良的一刻这就是恭硕良,吉他手包以正,以及真正的王者,张学友硕良,我以你为豪!恭喜你! |
One of my last truly happiest moments in my career was when my directorial debut premiered at the Hong Kong Film Festival. Last night was my next happiest. Jun Kung's Man On The Moon concert. I have known Jun for a long time, first as a friend and now as his manager (but really just a friend still) and I've always believed in him. He is such a talented musician who is widely respected within the music community here in Hong Kong but not too much by people outside. I always thought it was such a waste for him not to be known by the greater public just because he didn't like the business side of the music business. That's why as soon as my company Revolution Talent Management decided to help him my first goal was to put his album out as soon as possible. It took us almost two years to finally get this thing out and tonight's concert was the celebration of that goal. It was also Jun's first big solo concert in a long long while so it was good to see him exactly where I've always felt he belonged to a packed out Star Hall. I am really truly happy for what everyone has achieved and tonight's show rocked the house!!! This is the start of something good!
Here are some photos I took of the show: This was actually before the show. That's Sandy Lam in the middle with 24Herbs Kit and Phat rehearsing their version of "Paradise City"
It was close to a three hour show and Jun commanded the stage form begining to end . So those who went definitely got their money's worth. Here's Junny tweaking out his guitar.
Pure talent requires no silly dancing and no funny sparkly outfits.
Roy and Jun having a moment.That's Jun, guitar great Eugene Pao and the King himself, Jacky CheungI'm proud of you Jun! Congrats!