I like clever things. Clever people, clever design and in this case clever music video. With 20 Million hits already I think some of you may have already seen this but I just found this yesterday. Cool way to film a song and band.
Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQwNTcxMjE2.html | 我喜歡精巧的事物:精巧的人,精巧的設計,還有這裏提到的精巧的音樂視頻。這個視頻已經有兩千萬的點擊率了,我想你們當中有些人可能早已看過,但我是昨天才看到的。用這種手法拍攝一支歌曲和樂隊,真是酷。 Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQwNTcxMjE2.html | 我喜欢精巧的事物:精巧的人,精巧的设计,还有这里提到的精巧的音乐视频。这个视频已经有两千万的点击率了,我想你们当中有些人可能早已看过,但我是昨天才看到的。用这种手法拍摄一支歌曲和乐队,真是酷。 Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQwNTcxMjE2.html |I like clever things. Clever people, clever design and in this case clever music video. With 20 Million hits already I think some of you may have already seen this but I just found this yesterday. Cool way to film a song and band.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NF2edxy-M Youku link: http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMzQwNTcxMjE2.html