I'm not afraid of going to the dentist like most people. As a kid I had a sweet tooth so I often went to the dentist to have my cavities filled. I wish I took better care of my teeth then because now all of my molars have fillings. I think if my dentist's office was like this one, I would definitely not enjoy the experience.I am filming in a small small city in China right now and I walk by this dentist every time I go out for dinner. You can see the dentist chair from the street! I don't think I would enjoy people on the street watching me get my teeth fixed.
不像大多數的人﹐我不怕探訪牙醫。童年的時 候﹐我很喜歡吃糖果﹐所以經常到牙醫填補蛀牙。如果當時我能好好保養我的牙齒就好了﹐因為現在我所有的大牙都填補過。我想﹐如果我牙醫的辦公室像這樣的話 ﹐我肯定我不會喜歡這個經歷。我現在在中國一個很小很小的城市里拍戲﹐而我每晚出街吃飯都會經過這間牙醫診所。大家可以從街邊外看到診所內的牙醫椅子! 我想我不會喜歡見到別人從街外看著我補牙。 |不像大多数的人﹐我不怕探访牙医。童年的时候﹐我很喜欢吃糖果﹐所以经常到牙医填补蛀牙。如果当时我能好好保养我的牙齿就好了﹐因为现在我所有的大牙都填补过。我想﹐如果我牙医的办公室像这样的话 ﹐我肯定我不会喜欢这个经历。我现在在中国一个很小很小的城市里拍戏﹐而我每晚出街吃饭都会经过这间牙医诊所。大家可以从街边外看到诊所内的牙医椅子! 我想我不会喜欢见到别人从街外看着我补牙。
|I'm not afraid of going to the dentist like most people. As a kid I had a sweet tooth so I often went to the dentist to have my cavities filled. I wish I took better care of my teeth then because now all of my molars have fillings. I think if my dentist's office was like this one, I would definitely not enjoy the experience.I am filming in a small small city in China right now and I walk by this dentist every time I go out for dinner. You can see the dentist chair from the street! I don't think I would enjoy people on the street watching me get my teeth fixed.