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Daniel Wu
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Nothing like growing your own food|啥也比不上自家種的菜|啥也比不上自家种的菜|Nothing like growing your own food

Although I love being in the great outdoors, I have always been a city boy. On my last trip to South Africa we were able to enjoy the fresh vegetables of one our neighbors and I was hooked. So when we came back to Hong Kong we decided to turn our roof into a garden. I posted some photos in an earlier blog and so far we have been able to enjoy fresh basil which was great for pasta and I even figured out a quick and easy way to make pesto sauce.

Today, I was finally able to harvest some salad! There's nothing better than to pick the leaves and to be eating them within an hour. The leaves are crisp, fresh and much more tasty than store bought lettuce which has probably been sitting in a refrigerator for weeks. The tomatoes were store bought but in a few weeks, I should have some fresh. | 雖然我喜歡呆在廣袤的戶外,我卻一直只是個城裏人。上回的南非之旅,我們吃到了一位鄰居自己種的新鮮蔬菜,我著了迷。於是我們回到香港後,決定把我們家的 天臺變成園子。在早些時候的一篇博客裏,我有貼過一些相片。而到現在我們已經能享用新鮮的九層塔了,用它就意面可是絕配。我甚至想出了做香蒜沙司的便捷方 法。

今天,終於有一些沙拉蔬菜可以收割了!不出一個小時,就能把剛采摘下來的菜葉吃進嘴裏,沒有比這更好的感覺了。菜葉又脆又新鮮,比商店裏那些可能已經在冰櫃裏存了幾個星期的生菜好吃多了。這回的西紅柿還是從商店買的。不過,再過幾周,我就能有鮮貨啦。 | 虽然我喜欢呆在广袤的户外,我却一直只是个城里人。上回的南非之旅,我们吃到了一位邻居自己种的新鲜蔬菜,我着了迷。于是我们回到香港后,决定把我们家的 天台变成园子。在早些时候的一篇博客里,我有贴过一些相片。而到现在我们已经能享用新鲜的九层塔了,用它就意面可是绝配。我甚至想出了做香蒜沙司的便捷方 法。

今天,终于有一些沙拉蔬菜可以收割了!不出一个小时,就能把刚采摘下来的菜叶吃进嘴里,没有比这更好的感觉了。菜叶又脆又新鲜,比商店里那些可能已经在冰柜里存了几个星期的生菜好吃多了。这回的西红柿还是从商店买的。不过,再过几周,我就能有鲜货啦。 | Although I love being in the great outdoors, I have always been a city boy. On my last trip to South Africa we were able to enjoy the fresh vegetables of one our neighbors and I was hooked. So when we came back to Hong Kong we decided to turn our roof into a garden. I posted some photos in an earlier blog and so far we have been able to enjoy fresh basil which was great for pasta and I even figured out a quick and easy way to make pesto sauce.

Today, I was finally able to harvest some salad! There's nothing better than to pick the leaves and to be eating them within an hour. The leaves are crisp, fresh and much more tasty than store bought lettuce which has probably been sitting in a refrigerator for weeks. The tomatoes were store bought but in a few weeks, I should have some fresh.

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  39 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow. nice! hope the typhoon doesn't blow away your vines!
almost 12 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i'm still at the step of boiling pasta... making your own sauce seems like a big leap for me!
almost 12 years ago


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
July 27, 2005
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