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Nasty Neighbor|討厭的鄰居|讨厌的邻居|やっかいな隣人

Ever had an unreasonably nasty neighbor? They're a pain in the ass, kind of like getting a splinter that you can't pull out. There's this lady who lives below me and she's one of those nasty ones. When I moved in three years ago, I was unpacking boxes at around 9:30 at night and she came up to complain about the noise. I told her I was sorry but that I wasn't actually making that much noise and I would try to be more quiet. Mind you they live two floors below me. Then just as I was about to shut the door she started going off about how her son gets up early and how I woke him up. I felt bad because she made it seem like he was a toddler that I woke up so I apologized again and shut the door. A couple days later I was in the same lift with them and saw that the son was a teenager, I highly doubt he was the one complaining because he had his ipod on blasting music.

So after that incident I thought, well I'm new here so I should be nice, so the next time I ran into her in the lift I smiled and said hi but she had nothing but dirty looks in return. She has also been very rude to my girlfriend as well. One time, while riding the same lift, she even had the audacity to cough back into the elevator while exiting. I mean she actually stepped out then turned her head back towards the elevator and coughed at us. Is that really neccessary? You would figure in the three years that I have living here that she would chill out. I even caught her twice snooping around and looking into the window of my car and the car of a friend of mine.

Then yesterday, as I was carring a very heavy box out of the lobby, she was on the other side of the door about to come in. When she saw me, she decided to take her time going in by slowly blocking the door and then pushed it inwards into me so I had to take several steps back. As I walked past her she told me that I needed to be patient!

 Not once in all the times that she has been rude to me or my girlfriend have we ever said anything back. We've always been polite and just ingored her nasty comments or looks or actions because I feel that people like that will get what they deserve. She's just a bitter, nasty, over weight, unhappy divorcee house wife that has nothing better to do than to hold a three year grudge for nothing. When she was messing with me yesterday I wanted to ask her what the hell her problem was but then I decided she did not even deserve that. When you come across idiots like this, the best thing you can do is ignore them because really all they want is attention and by responding you're just feeding the fire.

I'm moving in a couple months anyway but I truly believe Karma will get her in the end. Most of the people that have been nasty to me have always had something really bad happen to them later. It's simple physics, an action will be met by an equal reaction. If you're nice to people they'll be nice back to you. If you're nasty to people, nasty things will happen to you.

I know this because I used to be a real jerk when I was younger. I would make fun of people or say really nasty things to get attention. During that time nothing good ever happened to me. Once I got into college, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to try to make a change in my life, new people new environment. It could have been less of a conscious decision and more of me becoming more mature but you know what? It really worked. I started to get better grades and lots of great opportunites began to unfold in front of me. Now I've got an awesome career and really believe that's because I stopped being a jerk. Too bad the lady downstairs hasn't realized that yet.


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                    |           理不尽でやっかいな人が近くにいたことがあるかい?奴らは抜けない刺みたいなもので、ケツをちくちくさすのさ。階下に住んでたのがそんなやっかいな種類の

女性だったんだ。僕が三年前に越してきたとき、夜の9時半に荷物を解いてたんだけど、彼女がやってきてうるさいって言うんだ。僕は謝ったけど、実際のとこ ろ、ほとんど音なんか立ててなかったんだよ。で、もっと静かにしようとしたんだ。いいか、うちの二階下に住んでるんだぜ。僕がドアを閉めようとしたら、彼 女は怒ってまくし立てたんだ。息子がどんなに早く起きなきゃいけないか、そして僕が起しちゃったって。僕は悪いと思ったよ。だってその僕が起した息子はほ んの赤ちゃんみたいな言い方をしたからね。だから僕はまた謝ってドアを閉めたんだ。2、3日してエレベーターでその家族と乗り合わせたんだけど、その息 子っていうのは10代で、僕はこの子が苦情を言うとは思えなくてね。だってその子はiPodを爆音で聞いてたんだぜ。

その小さな事件の後で思ったのさ。僕はここじゃ新参者だし、好印象でなくっちゃいけないって。だからその次に僕がエレベーターで乗り合わせた時に僕はにっ こり笑って挨拶したんだ。なのに、彼女は不満そうな視線を返しただけなのさ。彼女は僕の彼女にも失礼なんだ。ある時同じエレベーターに乗り合わせたら、彼 女はエレベーターを下りる時に大きな咳払いをしたんだ。どういうことかっていうと、彼女は降りる時に頭だけエレベーターに向けて、僕らに向かって咳をした んだ。なんでそんなことをしなきゃいけないんだろう?三年もそこに住んでたんだ。彼女はもうちょっと落ち着けると思わないかい。僕は二度も彼女が僕の車と 僕の友達の車をこそこそ嗅ぎまわってるのを見たよ。

昨日のことだよ。僕はロビーでとても重たい箱を外に出そうと運んでたんだ。彼女はドアからちょうど入ろうとしてたんだ。彼女が僕を見つけてね、わざわざ ゆっくりとドアの鍵を閉めてね、内側に押したから、僕は何歩か戻らなきゃならなかったんだ。彼女のそばを通り過ぎようとするだけで、彼女は言うのさ、耐え ろって!

一度ならず何度も言うよ。彼女は僕や僕の彼女に無礼を働くんだって。僕らはずっと礼儀正しくしてきたし、彼女のひどい発言や視線や行為は全部無視しようと してきたんだ。だって、こんな連中はきっと報いを受けるに違いないと思うからね。彼女はただの怒りに満ちて、最悪で、でぶで不幸な離婚した主婦で、三年間 も不愉快なことを言い続けるしか能がないんだ。昨日彼女が僕に意地悪をした時に、僕は彼女に聞きたかったんだ。何が問題なのかって。だけど考え直したよ、 彼女にはそんな価値なんてないって。こいつらみたいな馬鹿に出会ってしまったら、一番いいことは無視することさ。あいつらはまじで注目されたいだけで、相 手にしたら火に油を注ぐだけさ。

僕はあと2、3ヶ月で引っ越すのさ。僕は本当に業というものを信じててね、そのうち彼女は破滅するさ。僕に卑劣なことをする連中は必ず結局悲惨な出来事が あるんだ。これは単純なことで、ある行為は同じ反応を引き起こすってことなんだ。もしも感じよくしてれば相手も感じよくしてくれる。もしも意地悪をすれ ば、意地悪されるんだ。

僕はもっと若かった頃本当に抜けててね。僕は周りの人を面白がらせようとしたり、注目を浴びようと本当に嫌らしいことを言ってたんだ。その頃は何も良いこ とはなかった。大学に入った時に、僕はこれは人生を新しい友人と新しい環境で変えるとてもいい機会だと考えたんだ。もっと無意識的な決断だったんだけど、 大人になるにつれてどうなったと思う?本当に有効だったんだ。もっと良い成績をおさめられるようになったし、もっと運が開けてきたんだ。これまで僕は素晴 らしい経歴を築いてきたんだけど、これは僕が馬鹿をやめたからなんだって本気で信じてるんだよ。かわいそうに、階下の女性はこのことがわかってないんだ。

16 年多 前 0 赞s  288 评论s  0 shares
Photo 99631
She sounds like a very sad, troubled woman who thinks the whole world is to blame for her unhappiness, and that attacking anyone else could lessen her problems. No wonder her son needs an iPod on full blast.
16 年多 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
If only the law of reciprocity always kicked in in this lifetime. Sometimes, I think, it does not. I think you have to be kind, polite and tolerent of others because that is how you wish to be treated yourself, and you can't really worry about whether or not someone will get &quot;theirs&quot; for not being that way. Some people are greatly rewarded for being despicable and some of the best people suffer horribly for no apparent reason. One of life's mysteries.
16 年多 ago
Photo 22991
heh maybe its a vicious cycle. evil begets evil, bitter at desserts, so stay evil
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
dude, send your mom down there next time to tell her off.... &quot;your bitchiness is waking up my 33 year old son...&quot;
16 年多 ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Mannnn, we have this japanese biatch that lives next to my mom and dad. She yells when we swim or when dad plays music (in the afternoon with the windows and doors shut). It's really no point fighting back, even the cops come and hang out and laugh. Although I've cussed at her with dad, it really doesn't help. hahaha. Ryan will tell you all about it. In the meantime, how about a going away present? Stick a couple of &quot;how to be happy&quot; and some self help books in her mailbox.
16 年多 ago
thanks for sharing.sometimes there are just too many opportunities to be a jerk back when people are like that.but when u don't,it's rewarding later to feel that u didn't go to that level.:)
16 年多 ago
Photo 23271
I hear you dude, there are some people are just like that. its weird but what can you do. Also, just a side note, I've just posted the picture we did a while back. Should be able to give you a print whenever you're around next.
16 年多 ago
Photo 73131
That's too bad.
16 年多 ago
22475 2009020806404418 dot thumb
You're a better man than me because I would've went G.H.E.T.T.O on her and put Jenny Craig applications on her door when she wasn't looking but I guess you did the right thing because I too believe in karma!
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
does the flaming bag of poo outside the door trick exist in HK?
16 年多 ago
Photo 111638
Sounds like someone needs to get laid ;P Good on u for being the bigger person!
16 年多 ago
Photo 35692
Daniel, I've never actually stopped by your page before, but I really liked this entry. No matter what our cultural or religious background, how we treat others is of paramount importance. Thanks for reminding all of us. Best, Elena Stevenson
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005