Went to the MoMa yesterday with Lisa and my good ol' friend Dan and his wife Michelle. I've been friends with Dan since we were 12. 20 years is long for anything these days, specially a good friendship. We started a band together our Junior year in highschool. Dan played drums and I played bass. Our name was Guy Smiley after the gameshow host that sometimes appeared on Seseame Street.
As you can see we have no problems being jackasses together..
The Museum of Modern Art is a beautiful space in the city. I have two friends from architecture school who worked on the building. I really liked the courtyard in the center with the two Serra pieces in it. The undulating steel inspired us to do an impromtu photo shoot for our next album cover.
We are still called Guy Smiley but now were an electro-funk duo.
but we also do underground trip/hip-hop .
The Jaguar E-type is one of my favorite cars and I was happy to see it on the design floor of the museum.
Helvetica is 50 years old. Happy Birthday to arguably the best font ever.
Super rad design. I think it's for SARS.
I'm glad we finally got to go to the MoMa and I'm glad I got to spend some time with an old friend. |
昨天和Lisa、舊友Dan及他妻子Michelle一起參觀現代藝術博物館。我和Dan12歲時就是朋友了。在這個年代,維系了20年的友誼很難得。高中低年級時我們就組了樂隊,Dan負責打鼓,我彈貝司。樂隊那時叫Guy Smiley,有時在Seseame Street主持遊戲節目。
Jaguar E-type是我最愛的車款之一,很開心能在博物館的設計層看到它
超級棒的設計。我覺得是為SARS做的 很高興終於去了現代藝術博物館,很高興能和老朋友在一起。
|昨天和Lisa、旧友Dan及他妻子Michelle一起参观现代艺术博物馆。我和Dan12岁时就是朋友了。在这个年代,维系了20年的友谊很难得。高中低年级时我们就组了乐队,Dan负责打鼓,我弹贝司。乐队那时叫Guy Smiley,有时在Seseame Street主持游戏节目。
Jaguar E-type是我最爱的车款之一,很开心能在博物馆的设计层看到它