Inseparable will finally see it's first premiere at the Pusan International Film Festival this weekend! I am very excited to see the final version of this movie that I had so much fun working on. I saw Kevin Spacey recently when he was in Hong Kong performing Richard III and we are both excited for the release of the film. You guys in Korea got your tickets yet? | 本週末,《形影不離》終於將在釜山國際電影節上迎來它的第一個首映式!對於這部拍片過程中充滿樂趣的電影,我很興奮即將看到它的最終版本了。凱文·史派西最近在香港演出《查理三世》時,我們見過面。我倆都對本片即將發行頗感激動。韓國的伙計們,你們買到票了嗎?| 本周末,《形影不离》终于将在釜山国际电影节上迎来它的第一个首映式!对于这部拍片过程中充满乐趣的电影,我很兴奋即将看到它的最终版本了。凯文·史派西最近在香港演出《查理三世》时,我们见过面。我俩都对本片即将发行颇感激动。韩国的伙计们,你们买到票了吗?| Inseparable will finally see it's first premiere at the Pusan International Film Festival this weekend! I am very excited to see the final version of this movie that I had so much fun working on. I saw Kevin Spacey recently when he was in Hong Kong performing Richard III and we are both excited for the release of the film. You guys in Korea got your tickets yet?