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Daniel Wu
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Happy Birthday Dad! | 生日快樂,爸爸! |生日快乐,爸爸!

Today was my Dad's 79th birthday. He looks great for 79. I hope my skin is that smooth when I'm that age...if I even live that long.

He was actually born on the March 24th, 1929 of the lunar calender. When he immigrated to America and they asked him what his birthday was, he just gave the immigration guy his Chinese birthday and never bothered to correct it. Kind of cool, I think. I'm not really sure how to calculate that far back but does anyone know what day March 24th on the Western calendar was in 1929?

That's my brother in law Andrew and my sister Greta. We had a nice little dinner in Berkeley, then we came home so I could pack. Heading back to HK tomorrow. This was an awesome trip. Went to the film fest, met up with old friends, met very nice and interesting new people, ate good food and found peace in myself. What more could I ask for? I'm inspired!

| 今天是我爸爸79歲生日,雖然79歲了,但他看起來很棒。希望到這個年紀我的皮膚也能跟他一樣平滑…如果能活那麽久的話。 他出生在農歷1929年3月24日。移民到美國時,他們問他的生日,他說了農歷生日,後來也不願意再去改。我覺得蠻酷的。不知道該如何回算那麽遠的公歷日子,有人知道1929年3月24日的新歷是哪天嗎?


| 今天是我爸爸79岁生日,虽然79岁了,但他看起来很棒。希望到这个年纪我的皮肤也能跟他一样平滑…如果能活那么久的话。 他出生在 农历 1929年 3月 24日。移民到美国时,他们问他的生日,他说了农历生日,后来也不愿意再去改。我觉得蛮酷的。不知道该如何回算那么远的公历日子,有人知道1929年3月24日的新历是哪天吗?


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  117 comments  0 shares
Happy Birthday to your dad Tai Lo!
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
your dad is cool! he's even older than my dad.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 22991
Happy Family, God bless~
almost 17 years ago
Photo 34291
Happy birthday to Papa Wu =) And yes in western calendar that would be 3rd May 1929. And it was a Friday!
almost 17 years ago
Mindeeong 34 mindeeong
Hi Daniel, Ur daddy is a Taurus. His Birthday on the western calender is on the 3rd of May
almost 17 years ago
Photo 23329
hey nice one buddy , happy birthday to the smooth skin young looking man for me , does he use that same cream you advertise for ? hehehehe , happy birthday wu sing san , did i get it right ?
almost 17 years ago
Photo 24183
Your daddy looks much younger than his age (especially in the interior photograph) and your sister Greta looks like 'peachey' at a glance!
almost 17 years ago
Photo 42111
Happy birthday to your father!and happy everyday for you!
almost 17 years ago


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