Since G.I. Joe the movie just came out I thought I'd post these little "modified" public service announcements from the old G.I. Joe cartoon. I used to watch G.I. Joe everyday after school when I was growing up. At the end of each episode they would tag on these public service announcements teaching kids what to do in emergencies. I actually saw these "modified" versions years ago before youtube and websites and you had to download it off a bbs server, remember those? Anyway, they crack me up every time I see them. |
電影《特種部隊》剛上映時,我就覺得應該把這些小小的"改良的"公共服務須知從舊的《特種部隊》卡通片中轉貼出來。小時候每天放學後,我都看《特種部隊》。每一集的結束都會播放一些公眾服務須知,教導小孩子如何應對緊急狀況。其實多年前,在 youtube、網站和 bbs 下載服務器有這些"改良的"公眾服務須知之前,我早就看過了,還記得它們嗎? 總之,我每次看到都會捧腹大笑。 |
电影《特种部队》刚上映时,我就觉得应该把这些小小的"改良的"公共服务须知从旧的《特种部队》卡通片中转贴出来。小时候每天放学后,我都看《特种部队》。每一集的结束都会播放一些公众服务须知,教导小孩子如何应对紧急状况。其实多年前,在 youtube、网站和 bbs 下载服务器有这些"改良的"公众服务须知之前,我早就看过了,还记得它们吗? 总之,我每次看到都会捧腹大笑。 |