Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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Finally!!!! | 終於!!! | 终于!!!


The new site is finally up! After over a year of saying so we've come clean on our word to bring you a new and improved site. Props to Terence for working so dilligently on this project. Thanks also to our web crew who've been shedding blood, sweat and tears to get this out to you. They also happen to be my old buddies from the Berkeley Wushu days! These guys created rottentomatoes.com way back in the day, so you know this site is in good hands now for sure.

Take your time to navigate, explore and enjoy. I'm still trying to figure it out myself. It's a lot different than the old site but once you get the hang of it, I think you'll love it.

As you can see we've got a bunch of other awesome artists on here as well, including one of my bigges idols...Jet Li!!! From day one we have always been planning to make this site more than just the four of us. ALIVE is not just Daniel, Terence, Andrew and Conroy. ALIVE is about a creative spirit we feel is lacking in HK and hopefully this site will bring all these uniquely creative individuals together to share with everyone out there in cyberworld. ALIVE the boyband is dead, but the spirit of ALIVE(is)not Dead!!!

This is our first edeavor since working on The Heavenly Kings movie, and I think this will be even more successful.

Have fun!



新網站終於出來了!我們大概用了 1年的努力帶給你全新的陞級網站。 Terence為這個項目貢獻很大,還要感謝我們網站的夥伴們揮灑血汗、淚水,終於完成了他們恰好還是我在伯克萊大學武術隊的老朋友。他們曾經成功創辦 rottentomatoes.com,所以現在這個網站的前途不可限量。


象你現在看到的,我們找了很多很棒的藝術家一起到這裡,包括我自己的偶像 -李連傑!!!從創辦這網站的第一天開始我們就計劃有更多朋友進來, ALIVE不僅是 4個人 -Daniel, Terence, Andrew和 Conroy! ALIVE倡導的是我們認為目前香港缺乏和需要的創造精神,希望這個網站可以為所有具有獨立創作精神的人通過網絡一起分享。 ALIVE男孩團隊已經結束,但 ALIVE的精神沒有結束! ALIVE(is)not Dead!!!




|哇噻!!! 新网站终于出来了!我们大概用了 1年的努力带给你全新的升级网站。 Terence为这个项目贡献很大,还要感谢我们网站的伙伴们挥洒血汗、泪水,终于完成了。他们恰好还是我在伯克莱大学武术队的老朋友!他们曾经成功创办 rottentomatoes.com,所以现在这个网站的前途不可限量。


象你现在看到的,我们找了很多很棒的艺术家一起到这里,包括我自己的偶像 -李连杰!!!从创办这网站的第一天开始我们就计划有更多朋友进来, ALIVE不仅是 4个人 -Daniel, Terence, Andrew和 Conroy的网站!象你现在看到的,我们找了很多很棒的艺术家一起到这里,包括我自己的偶像 -李连杰!!!从创办这网站的第一天开始我们就计划有更多朋友进来, ALIVE不仅是 4个人 -Daniel, Terence, Andrew和 Conroy! ALIVE倡导的是我们认为目前香港缺乏和需要的创造精神,希望这个网站可以为所有具有独立创作精神的人通过网络一起分享。 ALIVE男孩团队已经结束,但 ALIVE的精神没有结束! ALIVE(is)not Dead!!!




over 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
July 27, 2005
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