Sometimes people take fashion too seriously. I like nice clothes too but it's not something I like to spend a lot of time thinking about. It's not like fashion is saving the world or anything. Check out what 24 Herbs has to say about this with their newest video FASHIONISTA. If you don't have the album... get it! Video: | 有時﹐我覺得人把時裝看得太重了。我是喜歡好看的衣物﹐但是我不會花太多時間去思考它。時裝也不是在拯救地球等等。看看 廿四味最新的音樂錄影片FASHIONISTA( 時尚達人) 和他們對此事有什麼看法。如果我沒有他們的唱片... 去買吧!Video:| 有时﹐我觉得人把时装看得太重了。我是喜欢好看的衣物﹐但是我不会花太多时间去思考它。时装也不是在拯救地球等等。看看 廿四味最新的音乐录影片FASHIONISTA( 时尚达人) 和他们对此事有什么看法。如果我没有他们的唱片... 去买吧!Video:|Sometimes people take fashion too seriously. I like nice clothes too but it's not something I like to spend a lot of time thinking about. It's not like fashion is saving the world or anything. Check out what 24 Herbs has to say about this with their newest video FASHIONISTA. If you don't have the album... get it! Video: