Went to the Draft Punk concert in Mese on Sunday. I'm not a huge fan of their music but a friend had extra tickets last minute so Antonio and I decided to go. I'm glad we went. The show was insane! Probably one of the most high-energy things I've seen in a long time. When we walked towards the arena, Daft Punk had just started their set and you could hear the roar from the crowd. You could tell there were a lot of people inside but when I got inside my jaw dropped. There must have been 20,000 people there all jumping and dancing to the set. It was crazy.
I tried to take a bunch of photos to capture the experience but these crappy, put of focus photos don't even come close.
The duo was sitting in the cockpit of what looked like a kind of pyramid shaped nose of a giant space ship with helmets that lit up and matched the light show that was going on. Then suddenly the actual space ship became a giant 3D video screen with crazy visuals racing across it's face.
It was amazing to see a DJ set this dynamic. Those Frenchies really know how to put on a show.
| Draft Punk演唱會,我對他們的音樂不是特別著迷,但一個朋友在最後時刻拿到了好票,Antonio和我決定還是去看看。不虛此行,演出極棒可能是許久以來我看到最有激情的表演了。我們靠近場地時,Daft Punk才剛剛露面,觀眾就開始瘋狂吼叫。聽得出有好多人,但當我進到場內,下巴都掉下來了。有大概兩萬人都向著舞臺蹦著跳著,真是瘋狂。
本想多拍些照片展示一下場面,但這些蹩腳的照片根本無法復制當時盛況。 二人組合戴著頭盔,站在一個巨大宇宙飛船的明亮錐型的座艙內,演出過程中燈光不斷配合幻變。突然,宇宙飛船變成了龐大的3D屏幕,伴隨著飛船前瘋狂的視覺特效。
DJ表演令人叫絕,那些法國人知道如何為演出增色。| 周日去看了Draft Punk演唱会,我对他们的音乐不是特别着迷,但一个朋友在最后时刻拿到了好票,Antonio和我决定还是去看看。不虚此行,演出极棒!可能是许久以来我看到最有激情的表演了。我们靠近场地时,Daft Punk才刚刚露面,观众就开始疯狂吼叫。听得出有好多人,但当我进到场内,下巴都掉下来了。有大概两万人都向着舞台蹦着跳着,真是疯狂。