Still catching up on blogs here. Went down to LA last week and visited my good ol' pal Martin and Wendy from Giant Robot Magazine . They just had their first baby named Eloise. Beautiful name and very fitting she's really cute and she has gray eyes. I wonder when they will turn brown?
Here's a pic of Martin breast feeding.
Later that night Martin and I went to see The Donut Man out in Glendora. They are famous for these crazy donuts filled with a crazy mountain of strawberries. I'd been reading and hearing about the donut man for way too long not to try one on this trip to LA.
It was a long drive and we were really tired but it was well worth the trip. It's always nice to go to bed with your stomach full!
|繼續補博客。上周到洛杉磯看我最好的朋友Martin和Wendy,他們在Giant Robot雜誌工作。他們剛生了第一個小孩叫Eloise。好聽的名字,很適合她,她非常可愛,是灰色的眼睛。我在想她的眼睛以後會變成褐色嗎?這是Martin在哺乳。
那天晚上Martin和我去了在Gardena的Donut Man餐廳,這個餐廳因其堆滿草莓的甜甜圈聞名。我早就讀到和聽說過Donut Man,這次在洛杉磯因路程太遠才作罷。我們開了好久的車,非常累,但很值得。吃得飽飽睡覺總是那麽舒服!
|继续补博客。上周到洛杉矶看我最好的朋友Martin和Wendy,他们在Giant Robot杂志工作。他们刚生了第一个小孩叫Eloise。好听的名字,很适合她,她非常可爱,是灰色的眼睛。我在想她的眼睛以后会变成褐色吗?
那天晚上Martin和我去了在Gardena的Donut Man餐厅,这个餐厅因其堆满草莓的甜甜圈闻名。我早就读到和听说过Donut Man,这次在洛杉矶因路程太远才作罢。