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Daniel Wu
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Culture Club | 文化俱樂部|文化俱乐部

Went out last night to find some culture in this town. First went to the Mobile Art container by Chanel in Central a top the old Star Ferry Car Park. The capsule/building is designed by one of my favorite architects, Zaha Hadid. It's amazing to see how her conceptual work, done back when I was an architecture student, can be a reality today because of new technologies and materials.

| 昨晚在城裏尋找文化。先去了位於舊天星碼頭停車場頂部的Chanel移動藝術館,它由我最愛的設計師之一Zaha Hadid設計。昔日當我還是建築系學生時,她就有這個概念作品,現在運用新科技和新材料使其成為現實,令人驚嘆。

| 昨晚在城里寻找文化。先去了位于旧天星码头停车场顶部的Chanel移动艺术馆,它由我最爱的设计师之一Zaha Hadid设计。昔日当我还是建筑系学生时,她就有这个概念作品,现在运用新科技和新材料使其成为现实,令人惊叹。

Lisa throwing up her gangster affiliation.

| Lisa擺出強盜的手勢| Lisa摆出强盗的手势

The art inside was ok but the capsule itself was amazing, the crazy shapes and the even crazier spaces it created looked cool juxtaposed against the ol' Hong Kong


| 其中陳列的藝術作品還行,但建築本身很棒,瘋狂的流線,打造出與香港美景同樣令人目眩的極酷空間。 | 其中陈列的艺术作品还行,但建筑本身很棒,疯狂的流线,打造出与香港美景同样令人目眩的极酷空间。

That's Leo from Chanel. Darth Vader was there too but I was too scared to papparazzi him. I saw what he did to the admiral.

| 這是Chanel的Leo。Darth Vader也在,但我不敢靠近他,因為看到了他如何對待艦隊司令。 | 这是Chanel的Leo。Darth Vader也在,但我不敢靠近他,因为看到了他如何对待舰队司令。

Afterwards Simon Birch and I headed over to Casa De Eddie  for a meal with the boys from 24. I had been hearing how good a chef Eddie was but I wasn't expecting this level of culinary skills. Look at that spread. It's a seriously professional set up! Jamie Oliver's got nothing on Eddie!

| 接著是Simon Birch。後來跟24 Herbs去Casa DeEddie吃晚飯,早就聽說過主廚Eddie的大名,但沒想到烹飪水準如此之高。看看這桌相當正式的宴席! Jamie Oliver都比不上Eddie! | 接着是Simon Birch。后来跟24 Herbs去Casa DeEddie吃晚饭,早就听说过主厨Eddie的大名,但没想到烹饪水准如此之高。看看这桌相当正式的宴席! Jamie Oliver都比不上Eddie!

Seafood Bouillabaise!

| 海鮮魚肉湯! | 海鲜鱼肉汤!

Chilled Crab with a vinnagrete dressing!

| 香料凍蟹! | 香料冻蟹!

Baked Chicken with a pesto dressing. Crispy skin soft meat. So perfect.

| 香蒜醬烤雞。皮脆肉嫩,堪稱完美。 | 香蒜酱烤鸡。皮脆肉嫩,堪称完美。

The food was so good it turned us all stupid. Look at Conroy and Phat.

| 食物實在太美味,讓所有人都傻掉,看子聰和Phat。 | 食物实在太美味,让所有人都傻掉,看子聪和Phat。

In the end, it was a heated debate but  it came down to a vote and the crab won best dish of the night. Very impressive Eddie! I will have to return for another sample of your skills. All in all a great evening with Friends, Food and Art couldn't ask for more really.

| 最後經過熱烈討論,大家投票推選凍蟹為當晚最棒的菜。Eddie,令人驚嘆的廚藝!我一定還會再來品嘗。真是一個與朋友、美食及藝術相伴的極好夜晚。

| 最后经过热烈讨论,大家投票推选冻蟹为当晚最棒的菜。Eddie,令人惊叹的厨艺!我一定还会再来品尝。真是一个与朋友、美食及艺术相伴的极好夜晚。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  49 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
just missed you! you guys came out after we went in... I gotta con Eddie into inviting me again!
over 16 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
This is really a great time to be alive, if you are a fan of architecture. Architecture seems to be living a moment of grace. Are there any Calatrava bridges in Hong Kong? I really love his work and got to see this great retrospective of his work at the Met a few years ago. He was the architect whose design won the competition to rebuild the World Trade Center subway station in NYC (though I think recently, he was removed from the project). It was a design filled with light and hope, as well as a memorial area for those who lost their lives that fateful day. The first time I saw his bridge in Seville, I was hooked, and he just keeps getting better. What other Zaha Hadid projects should I be on the lookout for? I think I read something about her designs in a magazine a few years back. Doesn't she work for a firm in Germany? (Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else?)
over 16 years ago
Photo 50475
Hey Daniel Just came back from UK after 20 years. Zaha Hadid is definitely the best, on par with Sir Norman Foster in status but wilder in work style (both my favourite architects). But I guess you were at a private showing at the Chanel Mobile Art - seeing the special tables outside the entrance. Anyway, I hope you liked the installation arts walk - fabulous. Four 747s to move this baby is just pure s*x! Can't wait until she finish the POLYU's new building I think in 2010!
over 16 years ago


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