Cooking help…
I love to cook and have been cooking for over 10 years. (When you're a poor college student, eating out is not an option.) Anyway, not to brag but I'm actually quite a good cook. I akin my style to Jamie Oliver, in fact he has greatly influenced the way I cook. He's got awesome cooking style. When I do get to catch him on tv I'm always making mental notes.
After all these years of cooking though, I've always had a problem and I was wondering if anyone out there has any suggestions:
Last week, I was frying up some bacon and a huge glob of oil jumped out of the pan and landed on my fingers. It was actually a pretty bad burn that hurt like a mofo!! My fingers are not looking too good right now. (I was gonna post a pic but didn't want to make everyone sick). Although this is probably the worst case, hot oil splattering on my hands has been a consistent annoyance to me while cooking. Does anyone know how to avoid this without having to wear gloves?
我喜歡做菜,而且還有超過十年的經驗。(當你是窮學生的時候,根本沒條件出去吃飯!)不管怎麼說,事實上,我可不是吹牛,我真的煮得很好。我的煮法近似Jamie Oliver,老實說,他對我的煮食影響很大,他煮菜可是特有風格呢!每當我在電視上看他做菜,我總會努力地把他的點子記在腦子裏。