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Daniel Wu
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Chinese Jamaicans|華裔牙買加人|华裔牙买加人|中華系ジャマイカ人

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YW3TmlslGo&feature=fvwHave you eve noticed that no matter where you travel in the world there are Chinese? This subject has always interested me and I always try to find out about their history. This woman here with the crazy Jamaican accent is a perfect example. Her accent is so rad! She has obviously been in Jamaica for a long long time, most likely born there as the way she laughs as well as attitude are imbibed with Jamaican culture. As I recall the earliest Chinese settled in Jamaica because it was along trade routes from the east and the Chinese are a prominant part of Jamaican culture. In fact many of the most influential producers of reggae (one of my favorite types of music) back in the 70's and 80's were Chinese Jamaicans. Before I moved back to Hong Kong, I used to think Chinese women with British accents were sexy, now after living here for so long I've kind of gotten used to it but a Chinese woman with a Jamaican accent? Now that's sexy! I love everything about Jamaica and it's culture but I still haven't been. Now I gotta go soon! |

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YW3TmlslGo&feature=fvw大家有否留意過,無論你身在世界各地,身邊總不乏中國人的踪影? 這些人總令我感到好奇,令我很想去考究他們的背景。這位滿口牙買加口音的女士就是一個很好的例證。憑她那重重的口音,可知道她已經移居了牙買加很長的時間;再聽到她的笑聲與看她處事的態度更令我認為她可能是在牙買加出生。從前的中國人大多為了進行貿易的關係而移居至牙買加。事實上,很多七,八十年代,有影響力的雷鬼搖擺樂製作人都也是華裔牙買加人。回流返港以前,我都認為滿口英國口音我中國女性很性感,可是當身邊均充斥著這些女性的時候便慢慢習慣起來。可是口牙買加口音的女性呢?那就很性感了!我很喜歡牙買加的一切,包括她的文化,可我從來未有踏觸過這遍土地。是時候讓我去一趟了!|

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YW3TmlslGo&feature=fvw大家有否留意过,无论你身在世界各地,身边总不乏中国人的踪影? 这些人总令我感到好奇,令我很想去考究他们的背景。这位满口牙买加口音的女士就是一个很好的例证。凭她那重重的口音,可知道她已经移居了牙买加很长的时间;再听到她的笑声与看她处事的态度更令我认为她可能是在牙买加出生。从前的中国人大多为了进行贸易的关係而移居至牙买加。事实上,很多七,八十年代,有影响力的雷鬼摇摆乐製作人都也是华裔牙买加人。回流返港以前,我都认为满口英国口音我中国女性很性感,可是当身边均充斥着这些女性的时候便慢慢习惯起来。可是口牙买加口音的女性呢?那就很性感了!我很喜欢牙买加的一切,包括她的文化,可我从来未有踏触过这遍土地。是时候让我去一趟了!|

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YW3TmlslGo&feature=fvw世界中どこを旅しようが中華系が必ずいるのに気づいたかい?このことにいつも興味があって、できる限り彼らの歴史について知ろうとしてきたんだよ。この すっごいジャマイカ訛りでしゃべる女性は格好の事例だよね。彼女のアクセントは超いけてるじゃん!おそらくジャマイカに大昔に渡って、ジャマイカ生まれっ て言っても過言じゃないんじゃないかなあ。彼女の笑い方とか態度なんてジャマイカ文化に染まりきってるじゃん。それで、僕はジャマイカにおける初期の中華 系移民を想起したんだ。というのも、東洋からの貿易ルートに乗ってやってきた中華系はジャマイカ文化の主要な部分を占めるからね。事実、70年代から80 年代のレゲエ(僕の大好きな種類の音楽だよ)の大物プロデューサーの多くは中華系ジャマイカ人なんだよ。香港に移るまでは中華系の女性がイギリス訛りで しゃべるのがセクシーだと感じたものだよ。ここに長い間住む間に、そんなことは感じなくなったんだけど、ジャマイカ訛りの中華系の女性はどうだろう?そう さ、セクシーだよ!僕はジャマイカやあそこの文化のすべてが好きなんだけど、行ったことがないんだよ。近日中に行くよ!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  72 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i don't know if Sexy is the word i'd use....
over 14 years ago
Photo 214991
She is so funny! Sexy...mmm??? As for Chinese women with British accents being sexy.....depends on accent!? But go north....Scottish is Cute!!!
over 14 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Interesting, Chinese in Jamaica. They also went to Cuba, a large influx in the 1920s, apparently. But it was only men, and they changed their names to Spanish names, married Cuban women and effectively disappeared. I only found out about it because the Cuban author Zoe Valdez had such a Chinese grandfather. She wrote a novel about his experience, in Spanish, which I have on my bookshelf ready to read.
over 14 years ago


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July 27, 2005
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