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Daniel Wu
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Change has officially begun!|改變已正式開始!|改变已正式开始!|「チェンジ」が始まった!

Wow! What an amazing day yesterday was! I am so excited and happy to see the collective energy present at the swearing in of our 44th president. Truly a historic day in American history and one that will not be forgotten for generations to come. I am proud of what we have done as Americans.

They say there were upwards of 1.5 million people there to witness history in the making. Unprecedented really. I really wish I could have been there to absorb all the good vibes.

Although Obama's speech was somber, I think his message to all of America was extremely clear. We need to get off our asses and do our bit to make America a respectable nation once again. The illusion of prosperity of the past 8 years has really screwed things up for not only the country but for the world and it's our responsibility as a world leader to tighten up our belts and pitch in to help fix what was damaged and at the same time take us into a new era. I am excited and most importantly, proud! | 哇! 昨天真是令人驚異的日子! 我非常興奮,很高興看到民眾集結出席我們第44任總統的就職典禮。這是美國歷史上劃時代的日子,將被後人永遠銘記。我為美國人所做的努力而感到驕傲。



哇! 昨天真是令人惊异的日子! 我非常兴奋,很高兴看到民众集结出席我们第44任总统的就职典礼。这是美国历史上划时代的日子,将被后人永远铭记。我为美国人所做的努力而感到骄傲。




オバマの演説は陰気だったけど、オバマのメッセージは全てのアメリカ人に明確に届いたと思うよ。僕たちは馬鹿なことはやめて、もう一度アメリカを尊敬され る国にしなきゃいけないんだ。この8年間もの繁栄という幻想のおかげで、この国だけでなく世界中全てが混乱してしまったよ。ベルトをきっちりと締めて、損 害の修復に行こう。それと同時に新しい時代へと身を乗り出すことが、世界のリーダーとしての僕らの責任なんだ。僕は凄く興奮しているよ。そして、何よりも 重要なのは、誇りに満ちていることなんだ!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  58 comments  0 shares
Photo 37580
He has a great smile, makes you feel happy to see it. Not like Bush, whenever he smiled you felt like he didn't really understand what was going on...
over 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Amen. We know that WE can, and now it's time that WE do. Our future looks bright with promise, but we all will have to do our part to make it a reality.
over 15 years ago
Photo 22991
Spoken like a true patriot ;)
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yes we can!
over 15 years ago
Lady detective with caption
It truly was a hopeful day. I also loved seeing how many heads of state aligned with Obama and the US. It was interesting who did not. I guess it will always be that way but I believe when we gather as a group we are stronger. Jeanne
over 15 years ago


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