I can't friggin' believe it. I was running up some stairs last night to get inside out of the rain and it was just my luck to slip and fall. This time it's the other leg. I really can't believe it, not one year after the break on my left leg and now this. I saw a fortune teller a few years ago who told that I must be extra careful with my legs. At the time nothing had happened yet and I didn't really believe him. Now I guess I should be rethinking everything he told me.
Well at least this hospital has wireless. Damn, another 6 months out of commission.
我不敢相信這是真的。昨晚下雨了,我跑上臺階本想避雨,但運氣太差滑倒了。這次是另一條腿,難以置信,我摔壞左腿還不到一年,現在輪到右腿。幾年前有個算命先生說我必須小心腿。當時沒什麽事發生,我一點也不信他,但現在我得回想他說的每句話。 還好這次醫院有無線網絡。天哪,又有6個月不能做事了。|我不敢相信这是真的。昨晚下雨了,我跑上台阶本想避雨,但运气太差滑倒了。这次是另一条腿,难以置信,我摔坏左腿还不到一年,现在轮到右腿。几年前有个算命先生说我必须小心腿。当时没什么事发生,我一点也不信他,但现在我得回想他说的每句话。 还好这次医院有无线网络。天哪,又有6个月不能做事了。