Spent the Chinese New Years Holiday in Queensland, Australia. Hamilton Island was incredibly beautiful. Got to go diving in the Great Barrier Reef. Went to my good pal's wedding in the Gold Coast. Brisbane was a bit boring but the Chinese food was awesome. To those kids who put my car license plate on Weibo...that was not cool. Which is proof to me that Brisbane is really boring. It's a rental car and I feel sorry for the next person who rents that car and has a bunch of Chinese kids following them around.
Check out my pics:
Baby Kangaroo in the pouch and Kangaroo balls!
今年的春節假期我們在澳大利亞的昆士蘭度過。漢密爾頓島美得不可思議。我們去了大堡礁潛水。去了黃金海岸參加我好友的婚禮。布裏斯班稍顯乏味,但那兒的中餐很棒。對那些將我的車牌發到微博上的孩子們我想說:這可不好玩;且更證明了昆士蘭挺乏味的。那輛車是租來的;我為下個接租它的人感到難過,到時恐怕會有一群中國孩子到處尾隨他們。看看我的照片吧: 大魚!
老天!這趟旅行把我累跨了!| 今年的春节假期我们在澳大利亚的昆士兰度过。汉密尔顿 岛美得不可思议。我们去了大堡礁潜水。去了黄金海岸参加我好友的婚礼。布里斯班稍显乏味,但那儿的中餐很棒。对那些将我的车牌发到微博上的孩子们我想说: 这可不好玩;且更证明了昆士兰挺乏味的。那辆车是租来的;我为下个接租它的人感到难过,到时恐怕会有一群中国孩子到处尾随他们。看看我的照片吧: 大鱼!
老天!这趟旅行把我累跨了!|Spent the Chinese New Years Holiday in Queensland, Australia. Hamilton Island was incredibly beautiful. Got to go diving in the Great Barrier Reef. Went to my good pal's wedding in the Gold Coast. Brisbane was a bit boring but the Chinese food was awesome. To those kids who put my car license plate on Weibo...that was not cool. Which is proof to me that Brisbane is really boring. It's a rental car and I feel sorry for the next person who rents that car and has a bunch of Chinese kids following them around.
Check out my pics:
Baby Kangaroo in the pouch and Kangaroo balls!