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Book of the Month | 本月好書 | 本月好书

So I was inspired by Oprah to start my own Book of the Month club. And here is my first book:

What's Your Poo Telling You?  by Josh Richman and Dr. Anish Sheth Ring of Fire, Shart, No#3. If you don't know what any of those three names stand for, then you must read "What's your Poo Telling You?". This insightful  little book is a quick and informative read. Perfect for when you're doing a Number 2. It tells you everything you need to know, and then some, about your lower digestive health. Don't like poo? Disgusted by poo? Well everyone does it and you'd die if you didn't so get over it and read this book.

I think that's exactly how Oprah would introduce it.


《你的馬桶告訴你什麽?》作者Josh Richman和Dr. Anish Sheth。

“Ring of Fire,Shart,No# 3”。如果你不懂這三個詞的意思,就應該讀一讀《你的馬桶告訴你什麽?》。它是一本有深刻見解的書,適合快速閱讀,增長見識。上大號時讀它最好,它會告訴你需要知道的一切,還有一些消化方面的健康知識。你不喜歡馬桶?聽到馬桶就討厭?但每個人都要用它,不用就會死。所以克服一下,讀讀這本書吧。



《你的马桶告诉你什么?》作者Josh Richman和Dr. Anish Sheth。

“Ring of Fire,Shart,No# 3”。如果你不懂这三个词的意思,就应该读一读《你的马桶告诉你什么?》。它是一本有深刻见解的书,适合快速阅读,增长见识。上大号时读它最好,它会告诉你需要知道的一切,还有一些消化方面的健康知识。你不喜欢马桶?听到马桶就讨厌?但每个人都要用它,不用就会死。所以克服一下,读读这本书吧。[if !supportLineBreakNewLine][endif]


over 16 years ago 0 likes  78 comments  0 shares
Photo 73131
Yeah, that's the perfect book to read after visiting Roscoe's Chicken N' Waffles! Another helpful guide is the Bristol Stool Chart: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Bristol_Stool_Chart.png I usually get Type 3: Like a sausage, but with cracks on its surface.
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ring of fire? that sounds bad...
over 16 years ago
Dunno 'bout you, but my poo's been talkin' shit....
over 16 years ago
Mylovepuzzle ef mylovepuzzle
over 16 years ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
over 16 years ago


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