Happy Chinese New Year to you all. May the year of the Dragon be prosperous for all of you.
My sister sent me this video the other day and I just watched with my mouth wide open. I wonder what it feels like to be tossed through that insanely huge wave. Those guys have big big balls.
Youku.com link - http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMzQ3MDk5MDk2.html | 祝大家新春快樂!願你們每個人龍年興旺!那天我姐發了這個視頻給我,看得我是目瞪口呆。我難以想象跌蕩在這樣的瘋狂巨浪中是何感受。這些家夥真有種。
Youku.com link - http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMzQ3MDk5MDk2.html| 祝大家新春快乐!愿你们每个人龙年兴旺!那天我姐发了这个视频给我,看得我是目瞪口呆。我难以想象跌荡在这样的疯狂巨浪中是何感受。这些家伙真有种。
Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQ3MDk5MDk2.html
|Happy Chinese New Year to you all. May the year of the Dragon be prosperous for all of you.
My sister sent me this video the other day and I just watched with my mouth wide open. I wonder what it feels like to be tossed through that insanely huge wave. Those guys have big big balls.
Youku.com link - http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMzQ3MDk5MDk2.html