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be HERO!

Just finished shooting on Dante Lam's "That Devil Within"! Wanted to let everyone know about something I helped out with:

I participated in the promotion for the upcoming "be HERO!" charity 10k run, it's organized by Vincent Kok with photography by Paul Tsang and supporting a very good cause, the Centum Fitmind Charity Run 2013, April 21st in Hong Kong.  

alivenotdead.com is one of the event's media sponsors, watch the aliveTV video from the launch event -

Video: http://youtu.be/ka8IDjgsJJQ

A total of 17 Hong Kong artists participated in the promotion campaign including Terence and Ken.  You can see all the photos and get more info about how to support here:

http://www.alivenotdead.com/alivenotdead/be-HERO-Supporting-the-Centum-Fitmind-Charity-Run-2013--profile-2969100.html | 剛完成了林超賢執導的 《魔警》的拍攝!   想讓大家知道一下我最近還忙了啥:我參加了即將舉行的 “be HERO” 十公裏慈善長跑的宣傳。此次宣傳由 谷德昭組織,由曾力山擔任攝影,意在支持一個很好的活動: 2013年4月21日 香港百仁基金思覺慈善長跑。  


Video: http://youtu.be/ka8IDjgsJJQ 包括 尹子維王合喜等等的17位香港藝人參予了宣傳活動。通過下面的鏈接,你可以看到所有藝人的照片,以及更多關於如何支持這個活動的信息:>http://www.alivenotdead.com/alivenotdead/be-HERO-Supporting-the-Centum-Fitmind-Charity-Run-2013--profile-2969100.html | 刚完成了林超贤执导的 《魔警》的拍摄!   想让大家知道一下我最近还忙了啥:我参加了即将举行的 “be HERO” 十公里慈善长跑的宣传。此次宣传由 谷德昭组织,由曾力山担任摄影,意在支持一个很好的活动: 2013年4月21日 香港百仁基金思觉慈善长跑。  


Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTIzMDk5MTEy.html包括 尹子维王合喜等等的17位香港艺人参予了宣传活动。通过下面的链接,你可以看到所有艺人的照片,以及更多关于如何支持这个活动的信息:>http://www.alivenotdead.com/alivenotdead/be-HERO-Supporting-the-Centum-Fitmind-Charity-Run-2013--profile-2969100.html |Just finished shooting on Dante Lam's "That Devil Within"! Wanted to let everyone know about something I helped out with:

I participated in the promotion for the upcoming "be HERO!" charity 10k run, it's organized by Vincent Kok with photography by Paul Tsang and supporting a very good cause, the Centum Fitmind Charity Run 2013, April 21st in Hong Kong.  

alivenotdead.com is one of the event's media sponsors, watch the aliveTV video from the launch event -

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTIzMDk5MTEy.html

A total of 17 Hong Kong artists participated in the promotion campaign including Terence and Ken.  You can see all the photos and get more info about how to support here:


接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  20 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
its a pretty cool series of pics. did you do any action shots?
接近 12 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005