I always that Hong Kong people had bad English names, Pinky, Apple. I've even met a Chlorophyll.
When I was last in New York I got in a cab and noticed this driver's name. If he went through schooling in the US, I can't imagine the teasing he must of went through.
I have a high school classmate who's last name was Booty, I thought that was bad. Then he told me he had an uncle name Harold...Harry Booty. Worst name to grow up with ever!
Sent via BlackBerry® from 3 | 我一直覺得香港有些人取的英文名很別扭,諸如:Pinky (粉紅的)、 Apple(蘋果)。我還碰到過叫Chlorophyll(葉綠素)的。
我還有一位高中同學,他姓Booty(屁股)。我本以為這已經夠別扭的了。結果他告訴我他還有個叔叔叫Harold...他的全名聽起來豈不就象Harry Booty (毛茸茸的屁股)。背著這樣的稱號長大一定再糟不過了吧!
發自黑莓手機| 我一直觉得香港有些人取的英文名很别扭,诸如:Pinky (粉红的)、 Apple(苹果)。我还碰到过叫Chlorophyll(叶绿素)的。
我还有一位高中同学,他姓Booty(屁股)。我本以为这已经够别扭的了。结果他告诉我他还有个叔叔叫Harold...他的全名听起来岂不就象Harry Booty (毛茸茸的屁股)。背着这样的称号长大一定再糟不过了吧!
发自黑莓手机| I always that Hong Kong people had bad English names, Pinky, Apple. I've even met a Chlorophyll.
When I was last in New York I got in a cab and noticed this driver's name. If he went through schooling in the US, I can't imagine the teasing he must of went through.
I have a high school classmate who's last name was Booty, I thought that was bad. Then he told me he had an uncle name Harold...Harry Booty. Worst name to grow up with ever!
Sent via BlackBerry® from 3