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Daniel Wu
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alivenotdead diesel party! | Alivenotdead Diesel派對! | Alivenotdead Diesel 派对!

No pics this time but I just wanted to say the alivenotdead "Respect" party was so awesome! Thanks to all of you who showed up and gave support! Wing Shya's photo exhibit was incredible. 10 years of snap shots, over 300 photos up on the wall was an incredible site. The show is still on till the end of the month so don't forget to check it out!

At the party, 24 Herbs never cease to amaze me, they are getting better and better every time and definitely had full control of the crowd. You guys rock!!! Afterwards, Dan The Automator on the wheels of steel played an crazy set set with Tim on drums, Gavin Hayes on vocals, and AG rapping up a storm.  Unfortunately I lost my voice so all I could do was watch and observe, but it was a great night nonetheless! There is more to come!!!

| 這次沒有照片,但我想說alivenotdead "Respect"派對超棒!感謝各位到場支持! Wing Shya的照片展非常精彩,10年的拍攝收獲,墻上超過300張照片的展示,是很驚人的景象。展覽一直會持續到月底,別忘了前往欣賞!派對上,24Herbs的表演總能讓我眼前一亮,他們一次比一次更好,絕對能完全控制觀眾。你們超棒!!!接著,Dan The Automator跟負責打鼓的Tim、主音Gavin Hayes以及說唱rap的AG合作開始了瘋狂表演,掀起了全場熱潮。真可惜我嗓子壞了,所以只能觀賞和評論,但真是個極好的夜晚!我們會舉辦更多類似活動!!!

|这次没有照片,但我想说alivenotdead "Respect"派对超棒!感谢各位到场支持! Wing Shya的照片展非常精彩,10年的拍摄收获,墙上超过300张照片的展示,是很惊人的景象。展览一直会持续到月底,别忘了前往欣赏! 派对上,24Herbs的表演总能让我眼前一亮,他们一次比一次更好,绝对能完全控制观众。你们超棒!!!接着,Dan The Automator跟负责打鼓的Tim、主音Gavin Hayes以及说唱rap的AG合作开始了疯狂表演,掀起了全场热潮。真可惜我嗓子坏了,所以只能观赏和评论,但真是个极好的夜晚!我们会举办更多类似活动!!!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  53 comments  0 shares
Photo 39462
definitely great show last nite! cant wait for more!!!
over 16 years ago
Photo 33405
Yup, it was a great show and awesome party! It was nice meeting you again. Berkeley and Oakland in da house! :D Gotta love the ghettos... haha I'll have to post up photos later when I have the chance.
over 16 years ago
Photo 23009
Nice to meet you Daniel, take care and get ready to the next praty!!
over 16 years ago
Simonbirch 4e simonbirch
i'm so pissed off i'm stuck in crappy england and missed the party! it looked great. lucky i saw wing's work before i left, very impressed. i think this is the first 24 herbs gig i missed too! and i missed Yumla's birthday party and that's my bloody bar! It's all happening in HK! Anyway, well done Dan, i know you contributed a lot to the event. back in a few days, see you for a beer at the weekend. sb
over 16 years ago


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