Official Artist
Fawn Fruits
Graphic Designer , Illustrator , Painter
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Title: Sweet Sendai 

I wanted to talk a little about my...

Title: Sweet Sendai 

I wanted to talk a little about my thoughts about the my work and why I decided to donate my portions to Japan. As I was struggling to finish up my last few touches to these paintings, disaster hit Japan. I gave about 10-15 minutes of  my time to soak in these images and went back to painting. My thoughts and priority was on finishing this show to further my painting career, while on the opposite side of the world, people were fighting for their lives. How could I be so selfish? It literally made me want to vomit every time I looked at my work.

While Japan was going through some of the most difficult time in history, I was grabbing reference photos of Japanese street culture, not even realizing that everyone of these people have been affected one way or another. It was then that I decided to give everything from this show. I want my work to be pure, not calculative. I want my work to bring hope, not monetary value.

“Sweet Sendai” is my official apology to the people of Japan. I want this piece to be able to bring about a renewal to the culture and peace to those who have endured so much. Every storm is greeted with the promise of the rainbow. As these events have “washed” away the old, the new will be built even stronger! I pray that even in my work, my thoughts would be washed away through this experience to bring about more meaningful imagery. 

about 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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May 5, 2008