Official Artist
Daming Chen
Actor , Director , Screenwriter
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I went to see THE WARLORD the other day with Beaver. I thought that Jet Li done a good job. But I don't get what the film wants to say and all the battle scenes are boring.... Technically Hong Kong's film has improved a lot but not the content..

By the way, We almost got into a fight with a guy who was talking on the phone in the theater, his wife was much more ferocious. I get really aggressive when I see people don't respect others.

about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
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really? i enjoyed it quite a lot! best Jet Li movie since Hero...
about 17 years ago
Photo 40776
after watching the film, i was thinking what do i care about this film...nothing!
about 17 years ago



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Member Since
October 13, 2007