Official Artist
Daming Chen
Actor , Director , Screenwriter
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Jet lagged

i went to Germany for Christmas right  after I got back from Brazil. I'm so jet lagged! Brazil was hot and covered with sunlight  while Germany was freezing cold and covered with snow, well, perfect for Christmas and also for lung cleansing. Both countries have very clean air compare to Beijing. Well, actually, the BJ air has gotten better here.

Why do I love Beijing since It's crowded with people and congested traffics and the polluted air? I sometimes ask myself. I guess it's the people, I love the people here, people makes the city! When  I was in L.A. I can never call people to go out without schedule with them, American are so private! But not in Beijing, you always find friends to go out with you for coffee, dinner or drink. You may find crowded with friends bother you all the time but you will never feel lonely.

about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
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ha, having funs to go out with is great, but is it worth all the dust and dirt? :-D
about 17 years ago



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Member Since
October 13, 2007